
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 14:27:23


Today changes with each new day which in the science and technology,the Chinese automobile coating market hot spot mainly concentrates in two aspects,reduces the automobile production cost; Another is the environmental protection request.Although the present coating supplier encounters the automobile enterprise to request the pressure which the price continues to fall,but must know that,this certainly did not mean the automobile enterprise can control the coating supplier's life.Because an automobile enterprise more urgent demand can cause the function coating which its automobile product rises in value,and the hope product can satisfy the environmental protection request which unceasingly changes,but was precisely in this change cooperation causes between the coating supplier and the automobile enterprise's relations has had the change.
The automobile manufacture profession rule has already had the change,in past regardless of the automobile manufacture enterprise proposed how request,can comply as the coating supplier,but the present has been different,since the automobile manufacturer has been able not but the coating supplier to provide its best coating and the best painting system.This kind of coating innovation only can come from to continue to invest new technical the research and the development aspect coating supplier.

帮翻一段中译英在科技日新月异的今天,中国汽车涂料市场的热点主要集中在两个方面,一个是减少汽车制造成本;另一个是环保要求.尽管目前涂料供应商遭遇汽车企业要求价格继续下跌的压 面对日新月异高新技术的今天,我国应该怎么样推进科技进步和创新? 在现代科技发达的今天,中国如何应付下一次的科技革命? 求日新月异的近义词形容科技发展 “科技日新月异的发展”是病句吗?我觉得应该是“科技发展日新月异”,哪个对?还是都对? 帮我把以下一段中文翻成英文她是个女孩,大大的眼睛,黑色的长发.她也很可爱.她的国籍在中国. 在日新月异的电脑时代,汉字是否是中国进入信息时代的瓶颈 今天的中国科技怎样才能赶上并居于世界领先地位呢 英语翻译下面这一段帮忙翻译成英文!“现今世界,人类正在经历着一场全球性的世界经济和科技的浪潮.尤其是中国在加入WTO之后,我们面临的是世界经济和科技之间的竞争与挑战.2008年,全球经 中国在哪些方面的科技比较发达? ()社会在不断进步,科技在飞速发展()我们()通过有选择的读书来不断扩大自己的知识面,()适应这个日新月异的社会 虽然社会,科技在日新月异地进步,有些传统美德却在丢失 英语翻译 英语翻译科学技术日新月异的今天,网络成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分.但网络犯罪也在科技的土壤中滋生蔓延,成为我们一个亟待解决的严重威胁.由于人们对网络犯罪的防范意识还比较薄 中国的科技发展 写具体 随着科技的发展,人类的交通工具也日新月异 汉译英 随着科技的日新月异,人们生活水平不断提高,私家车越来越多.这时,人们 现在是知识年代,科技日新月异,你是如何看待自身能力提高的问题? 收集2011年祖国及全球科技成果(10个)感受日新月异的科技变化