
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:20:50


Today is the Chinese of the lunar New Year.This day,many local fashion to call a "cast five poor" customs.People got up at sunrise,set off firecrackers and cleaning.Firecrackers from every house went outside to put,edge puts edge to go outside.Say all things,an unlucky will blow out all the ghosts,let them far from us.This string of relatives and friends,also avoid prohibit to door,say greets the unlucky to others will home.December 30 to the fifth day ago,generally are not allowed to make healthful,even sweep the floor is in the house,and trash can only first Saul lay in the corner.Especially on New Year's day,that is a broom or move,move will say good luck out.But to the fifth this day,but not thoroughly make time cleaning not.Until the garbage out the front door,Saul,and Saul to a corner of the house will also firecrackers on the outside,and then bring a big fireworks,and put it into the garbage,lighting,a loud thunder,ceremony ended.So for dinner.

Today is the fifth day of China's first lunar month. On this day, many to Fang Shixing called "catch five poor" custom. People at dawn and set off firecrackers, cleaning. Firecrackers out from every h...


Today is the fifth day of China's first lunar month. On this day, many to Fang Shixing called "catch five poor" custom. People at dawn and set off firecrackers, cleaning. Firecrackers out from every house in the first place, side discharge side of Wang Menwai go. That is all the unlucky things, all the demons are the H out and make them far away from us. This day string of pro-bogey and friends, are not allowed sect, said that bad luck will go into someone's home pro. Thirty twelfth lunar month the first month ago, is generally not allowed to engage in health, even in the house is sweeping the floor swept, and garbage can be placed on the corner of the room. Special New Year's Day, it is not move a broom, and said that move will be knocked off good luck. To this day to the fifth day, they are not thoroughly cleaning out a back must be made. Swept out of the gate until the garbage, sweep into a corner, they will also be fireworks from the house into the house, and then brought a large firecracker, put that garbage on fire, roar, the ceremony is completed. So eat


英语翻译今天是中国的农历正月初五.这一天,许多地方时兴一种叫做“赶五穷”的风俗.人们黎明即起,放鞭炮,打扫卫生.鞭炮从每间房屋里往外头放,边放边往门外走.说是将一切不吉利的东西 英语翻译1.端午节是中国的传统节日,在每年农历的五月初五2.中国有中秋节,人们在这一天赏月、吃月饼 “千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符.”写的是()的民俗.A.农历8月15 B.农历正月初一 C.农历正月十五 D.农历五月初五 接财神是在正月初五的什么时间 “端午节是农历五月初五”这句话英语如何翻译 正月初五是为什么叫破五 一道改错题有关端午节由来的传说很多,但影响最广的是记忆大诗人屈原.心怀大志的屈原因为怀才不偶而投江自杀的那一天,正好是农历五月初五.人们在每年的这一天的五月初五.都会举行划 09年正月初五,月亮旁边的星星很亮很美今天是09年正月月初五,晚上天空很美.月亮是上玄月,旁边有颗星星很亮,约18点时,整个天空中只看到月亮和这颗星星,很美,望着天空的感觉很舒服.请问为 龙舟节,也叫端午节,是按照中国挂历定在农历五月初五怎么翻译 .时万历岁庚寅春上元日句中上元日是指农历( )A.B.正月十五C.三月初五 D.三月十五 英语翻译句子:每年的农历五月初五;初夏,标志着一年最热季节的开始 英语翻译如题.不要给我山寨翻译,我要正规的.“农历五月初五” 正月初五为什么放鞭炮 1987年男兔1988年女龙婚配是断头婚吗?请教大师,男1987年农历正月初五下午三点,女1988年农历4月12下午五点,请问婚配八字怎么样?是断头婚吗?谢谢! 正月初五为什么要吃白菜馅的饺子呀 农历二月初五是几月几日? 今天是2006年11月16日,请问最近一次月食发生在哪一天?这一天是农历几月几日?这一天的月相是什么? 正月初五为什么要放鞭炮