急问,英文表格中country of citizenship要怎么填啊是不是要填在中国的公民身份?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:30:47

急问,英文表格中country of citizenship要怎么填啊是不是要填在中国的公民身份?
急问,英文表格中country of citizenship要怎么填啊

急问,英文表格中country of citizenship要怎么填啊是不是要填在中国的公民身份?
你会英语吧,请看下列的country of citizenship详
Definition: The country in which a person is born (and has not renounced or lost citizenship) OR naturalized OR has inherited citizenship, and to which that person owes allegiance and by which he or she is entitled to be protected. Sometimes a person is a dual citizen.
Also Known As: homeland
Examples: Peter was born and raised in China. He holds a U.S. green card but China is his country of citizenship.

急问,英文表格中country of citizenship要怎么填啊是不是要填在中国的公民身份? 英文表格中country of citizenship要怎么填 [英文表格]country or region or origin与country of nationality的区别是什么?SORRY,是country or region of origin与country of nationality的区别 英语翻译 急 country of registance 紧急求译Country where application is submitted:在表格中的含义?Name/Stamp of Agency:和 Country where application is submitted:分别在表格中代表什么含义?应该如何填写?能举例说明吗? 在英文的商业发票中,country of ultimate destination是什么意思?急用 问大家一下word表格中怎么运用公式计算啊 有点急, 圆周率表格表格!急! Country of Country of f______:of another country根据英文解释,写出单词 急问几个英语问题,1、China is country with a long history .chinese people are very clever.they could ( )、kites( )paper before.A、do;out of B、make;by C、make;out of D、do;from 2、Lee Fang goes to yoga class( )A、in 急:I.C.C是什么的英文缩写INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 的英文缩写是 I.C.C 英文表格中表示性别的单词是什么?比如 姓名 Name生日 Date of birth比如 姓名 Name生日 Date of birth到底是F/M 还是Gender 樱花之国的英文是country of Cherry blossoms还是country of Sakura两个有什麼分别 为什么英文中有些句子用物作主语,怎么谓语动词是主动形式呢例如news about various parts of the country reach most people in Tibet 求问spss中这种表格怎样做? 问一下word中如何用表格计算? 要用呀,