请帮忙啊!{30}分英语题1.the student doesn't work___he used to.A.so hard as B.so harder than C. as harder as D. as hard like答案选A 为什么?为什么不选 C ?2.--Could you have been more careful? --Why,what wrong__I__?A.did; do

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:24:49

请帮忙啊!{30}分英语题1.the student doesn't work___he used to.A.so hard as B.so harder than C. as harder as D. as hard like答案选A 为什么?为什么不选 C ?2.--Could you have been more careful? --Why,what wrong__I__?A.did; do
1.the student doesn't work___he used to.
A.so hard as B.so harder than C. as harder as D. as hard like
答案选A 为什么?为什么不选 C ?
2.--Could you have been more careful?
--Why,what wrong__I__?
A.did; do B.will;do C. have; done D. had; done
答案选A,为什么?为什么不选 D 或 C ?
3.last Sunday___ had a picnic in BeiHai Park.
A.John , Mary and I B.John, I and Mary
C.John,Marry and I D.I, John and Mary
4.In this park,sparrows often fly down from trees to eat from visitor'hands.Thay are used to____in this way.
A.be fed B.feed C.having fed D. let
为什么不选 A ?鹦鹉不是被喂么?
5.Many thigs____impossible in the past are quite common today.
A.having been considered B. to be considered
C.considereing D. cosidered
为什么不选B?有B 这种形式么?
6.He is not my friend.He's______but a stranger.
A.anything B.nothing C.anybody D. nobody
7.I hung the picture on the wall____can be seen well.
A.where B.where it C. that D. so that
为什么选B ?这种句子怎么分析?
8.This is the very book_____I want to find.
A.that B. which C. it D.with which
9.出现那些词,或短语时,句子要到装?only if;in no way

请帮忙啊!{30}分英语题1.the student doesn't work___he used to.A.so hard as B.so harder than C. as harder as D. as hard like答案选A 为什么?为什么不选 C ?2.--Could you have been more careful? --Why,what wrong__I__?A.did; do
1 C 若改成as hard as就对了, 记住,as...as 中间永远用原级.
2 题目的情景是,你做了一件别人不满意的事情,所以别人用 could have done来问你, 因为事情已经发生了,排除D, 因为 这里问的是过去的事情,而不是过去的过去的事情, 问句中的 COULD HAVE DONE/BEEN 不是过去完成时,而是虚拟.
一眼看去,C 没有语法错误. 但这里这件事跟现在没关系,是过去发生的,你就用过去式好了.若是别人问你现在的事情,而这件事已经持续了一段时间,你就用完成时.
3, 这里 A C 一样, 可能你打错了, 若按这样, AC 的表达是对的. 把我放在最后
4 B, FEED 这里做不及物动词, 表示 吃东西. A 选项把 FEED 当作及物动词, 表示喂养, 饲育,一般用父母养育子女,或者大型牲畜. 显然,麻雀被游客喂养是不合情理的.
5,D, TO BE DONE, 有这种形式,做后置定语时 表示 将来的行为,或者表示目的. 题中两种都不表示.而DONE 做后置定语时,表示现在或者一般的情况.
6,D, 呵呵, NOTHING,是东西.NOBODY是人.
7. B WALL 在从句中做地点状语, 所以连接词用 WHERE, 但从句中缺少主语,所以添上 IT, 表示这幅画. 其实 D 选项,若加上IT 做主语,也可以.
8,A, 这个是固定表达,记住就好了.
9,in no way can you break the law. 这是否定前置的倒装
only 后面接状语,或者状语从句,可以倒装, 这个三言两语说不好,你可以去看语法书的倒装部分.


1.as ...as 只能用在肯定式里面。如果句子是否定式的那么得用so...as, 记清楚是否定式,如果是肯定式但是表达的是否定的意思时,仍然用as...as,因为so/as的选用是根据句子的“式”(样式或格式)定的。


1.as ...as 只能用在肯定式里面。如果句子是否定式的那么得用so...as, 记清楚是否定式,如果是肯定式但是表达的是否定的意思时,仍然用as...as,因为so/as的选用是根据句子的“式”(样式或格式)定的。
5.to 这个词是带有很强的将来意味的。你只要记住to一般表将来就可以了。
7.on the wall是一个很具有强调语气的短语,用了三个词来表达图片的位置,强调的是位置,所以用where,后面的can be seen well 说的是画能够被很好的看到,不是墙吧。墙本来就容易看到,跟你挂画没有关系的。所以它还是说的是画“it”能够被很好的看到。选其他的后面的都没有主语的。


初二英语同义句转换,请英语高手帮忙,题目在问题补充1.There's never a dull moment in the house we live in. 请帮忙解答几道英语动词填空题,1.The water will be further polluted unless some measures____(take) 2.Nightingale never gave up and,by her early 30s,she___(become)England's leading authority on hospitals.3.Kate was one of the few girls who 请帮忙啊!{30}分英语题1.the student doesn't work___he used to.A.so hard as B.so harder than C. as harder as D. as hard like答案选A 为什么?为什么不选 C ?2.--Could you have been more careful? --Why,what wrong__I__?A.did; do 请帮忙做题,英语, 英语题,不会,请帮忙! 体育课英语请帮忙翻译:Attention Stand at arm's lengthDress righgRight faceAbout turnlForward touchAt easeOne the double 请英语牛人详细 准确 请写清楚题号 答得最详细最清楚最好的就给分咯 模棱两可不太懂就不要乱留言 谢1.be that as it may,whether it's 15,000,20,000 or 30,000 years ago,the paintings are from the dawn of art.翻译 英语判断题~~~~急~~~请大家帮忙~~14. Register depends on the relations between the participants.A. 错误B. 正确 满分:2.5 分15. Register is concerned with the purpose and subject-matter of communications.A. 错误B. 正确 请帮忙翻一下这段英语,看不懂啊When Deng Xiaoping took over the leadership position in the early 1980s,he announced the abandonment of political campaigns permanently,without substituting another method for checking abuses of local power 请帮忙详细解答3道英语题 O(∩_∩)O谢谢1.The spaceship will be launched by the end of the year ___ the weather. A depend on B to depend on C depended on D dependingon 2.There's no bus now,anf we can't get home ___ by bus. A rather than 英语期末口语试题之六,请英语大人帮忙给个参考答案吧,The globalization is good or harmful to our traditional culture?答案分正反两方面论述 请各位高手帮忙翻译一下这篇文章和问题,最好能用英语写出答案!(写出答案者奖5分)The first redios began in the 1920s.At that time the sound was very poor.So people had to listen on headphonrs. Television began in th 30分!帮忙翻译英语短文!事先声明,下文中的完形填空只翻译,不填答案,我是好学生,作业自己做,现在正在做任务,一会还要加分!ps:我还有个提问也是翻译,想要分的同学们请访问我的问题.1.The b 英语题请帮忙检查一下谢谢 请英语大师帮忙! 不懂英语题目怎么写英语答案啊?请大家帮忙帮忙在帮忙. What's the smallest bridge in the world?请帮忙英译汉 请大家帮忙写一篇关于success and challenges 的英语演讲稿我就30分了,全部悬赏了,救命啊要求适合初三水平演讲的英语稿我再积攒点分 会提高悬赏的