三道英语判断句子成分的题目,1.It is important for us (to learn English well).2.They promise to meet our (needs).顺便说下词性3.(Only) three of us went there.顺便说下词性PS:打括号的为需要判断的内容.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:25:49

三道英语判断句子成分的题目,1.It is important for us (to learn English well).2.They promise to meet our (needs).顺便说下词性3.(Only) three of us went there.顺便说下词性PS:打括号的为需要判断的内容.
1.It is important for us (to learn English well).
2.They promise to meet our (needs).顺便说下词性
3.(Only) three of us went there.顺便说下词性

三道英语判断句子成分的题目,1.It is important for us (to learn English well).2.They promise to meet our (needs).顺便说下词性3.(Only) three of us went there.顺便说下词性PS:打括号的为需要判断的内容.
1.to learn English well 是主语,而it作形式主语指代to learn English well
2.need作名词,意为“需求”,meet our needs意为“满足我们的需求”.
3.only作副词修饰词组three of us


一楼正确,补充一下,第二句needs做宾语 ,第三局only做状语

三道英语判断句子成分的题目,1.It is important for us (to learn English well).2.They promise to meet our (needs).顺便说下词性3.(Only) three of us went there.顺便说下词性PS:打括号的为需要判断的内容. 如何判断英语句子成分? 怎样判断英语句子成分.怎样判断英语句子成分呢, 如何快速判断英语句子成分? 英语中,如何判断句子成分? 三道句子成分简单的英语改错题1) If you go there ,so do I.2) It's hard for a lazy student to accept the high school diploma.3) You should pay attention to your attitude to study English. 几道英语句子成分的题目!1.it‘s good to swim in summer 中的.to swim in summer2.we made him a bed 中的 him 和bed3.It doesn’t matter weather she will come true 中的 she will come true 4.There is a pen中的a pen 和 is 和there求 英语句子成分的位置, 怎样判断英语定语从句中句子成分? 英语主语的补语的判断1.I saw her with them,at least ,I thought it was her.2.Who broke the vase?--Me3.John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she.请说明这三句话中的主语的补语,并说出判断它是主语补语的 I can do it.分析下句子成分, 初二英语句子成分三、 请补全下列句子中的定语1.He thinks __________(第一) step is to find someone ___________.(你信任的)2.People also remember ______travelers ___________________________(来自英国的)3.It was the first i feel it necessary 的句子成分分析下为啥不是 it is necessary 英语句子成分怎样判断一个词语在英语句子的成分, 帮忙分析下英语的句子成分-速度!急1.He didnt go to bed until he finished his work 2.It is the place where i spent my childhod 5道英语判断对错的题目初二的 英语句子成分缺失算错吗 比如 I blieve 和 I blieve it 前面一句算错吗 英语初三判断句子成分 It is the band which gets everyone dancing .这是个定语从句还是it 作形式上的主语?如果是定语从句可以把which改为that 如果改为that不就成了强调句了吗?