英语问题请求解答一.选词填空.(besides,surround,attract,unluckily,break down,make up,no doubt,compare…to…,can't wait to,be well-known for)1.Hangzhou_____the west lake.2.The old man has walked a long way.______he is very tired.3.Of all

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:32:51

英语问题请求解答一.选词填空.(besides,surround,attract,unluckily,break down,make up,no doubt,compare…to…,can't wait to,be well-known for)1.Hangzhou_____the west lake.2.The old man has walked a long way.______he is very tired.3.Of all
(besides,surround,attract,unluckily,break down,make up,no doubt,compare…to…,can't wait to,be well-known for)
1.Hangzhou_____the west lake.
2.The old man has walked a long way.______he is very tired.
3.Of all the magazines,Readers_______me most.
4.There will be a match tomorrow._______,he broke his leg.
5.The fact that three countries________Great Britain is still unknown among us.
6.Hearing that Yaoming is coming to Shanghai,he_____see him.
7.The famous designer was shocked by the fact that the airport was________.
8.He is so warm-hearted that he is often______be a Leifeng alive.
9.It's very late._______,it's raining heavily outside.So I think you'd better stay here for night.
10.The speaker was_______by tens of thousands of students who are interested in his speech.

英语问题请求解答一.选词填空.(besides,surround,attract,unluckily,break down,make up,no doubt,compare…to…,can't wait to,be well-known for)1.Hangzhou_____the west lake.2.The old man has walked a long way.______he is very tired.3.Of all
1.is well-known for 杭州以西湖闻名.
2.No doubt 老人走了很长的路.毫无疑问,他非常累.
3.attracts 在所有的杂志里,《读者》最吸引我.
4.Unluckily 明天会有场比赛.很不幸,他的腿受伤了.
5.make up 英国由3个国家组成这个事实(其实英国由4个国家组成),我们都还不知道.
6.can't wait to 听说姚明要来上海了,他等不及要见到他.
7.broken down 机场的故障,让这个著名的设计师吃惊不小.
8.compared to 他非常热心,人们常常称他“活雷锋”.
9.Besides 很晚了,而且外面又下着大雨.你还是在这过夜吧.
10.surrounded 讲演者被数千对他演讲感兴趣的学生包围了.