英语听力好的,听下这个歌曲,给个歌词,测试下大家的英语听力,这个是我给大家做的建业mtv,用的歌曲我很喜欢,可是就是听不懂歌词,那位达人听下帮我把歌词给整理下啊 ,我想学唱这个歌,地址

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 19:16:59

英语听力好的,听下这个歌曲,给个歌词,测试下大家的英语听力,这个是我给大家做的建业mtv,用的歌曲我很喜欢,可是就是听不懂歌词,那位达人听下帮我把歌词给整理下啊 ,我想学唱这个歌,地址

英语听力好的,听下这个歌曲,给个歌词,测试下大家的英语听力,这个是我给大家做的建业mtv,用的歌曲我很喜欢,可是就是听不懂歌词,那位达人听下帮我把歌词给整理下啊 ,我想学唱这个歌,地址
歌曲名:I'm Gonna Get You Good
Let's go!
Uh,Don't wantcha for the weekend
don't wantcha for a night
I'm only interested
if I can have you for life
Uh,I know I sound serious
and baby I am
You're a fine piece of real estate
and I'm gonna get me some land
So,don't try to run ,honey
love can be fun
It's no need to be alone
when you find that someone
(I'm gonna getcha)
I'm gonna getcha while I gotcha in sight
(I'm gonna getcha)
I'm gonna getcha if it takes all night
(Yeah,you can betcha)
You can betcha by the time I say “go,”
you'll never say “no”
(I'm gonna getcha)
I'm gonna getcha it's a matter of fact
(I'm gonna getcha)
.80I'm gonna getcha,don'tcha worry about that
(Yeah,you can betcha)
You can bet your bottom dollar,in time
you're gonna be mine
Just like I should
I'll getcha good
I've already planned it
here's how it's gonna be
I'm gonna love you and
you're gonna fall in love with me
So,don't try to run
honey,love can be fun
It's no need to be alone
when you find that someone
(I'm gonna getcha)
I'm gonna getcha while I gotcha in sight
(I'm gonna getcha)
I'm gonna getcha if it takes all night
(Yeah,you can betcha)
You can betcha by the time I say “go,”
you'll never say “no”
(I'm gonna getcha)
I'm gonna getcha
it's a matter of fact
(I'm gonna getcha)
.80I'm gonna getcha,don'tcha worry about that
(Yeah,you can betcha)
.60You can bet your bottom dollar,in time
you're gonna be mine
Just like I should
I'll getcha good
Yeah,I'm gonna getcha baby
I'm gonna knock on wood
I'm gonna getcha somehow ,honey
yeah,I'm gonna make it good ,oh
So,don't try to run,honey
love can be fun
It's no need to be alone
when you find that someone
I'm gonna getcha it's a matter of fact
(I'm gonna getcha)
I'm gonna getcha,don'tcha worry about that
(Yeah,you can betcha)
You can bet your bottom dollar,in time
you're gonna be mine
Oh,I'm gonna getcha
I'm gonna getcha real good
Yeah,you can betcha
oh,I'm gonna getcha
(I'm gonna getcha)
just like I should
I'll getcha good
Oh,I'm gonna getcha good

I'm gonna getyou(getcha) good
歌手:Shania Twain
Let’s go!
Don’t wantcha for the weekend -
don’t wantcha for a night
I’m only interested
if I can have you for life - yeah<...


I'm gonna getyou(getcha) good
歌手:Shania Twain
Let’s go!
Don’t wantcha for the weekend -
don’t wantcha for a night
I’m only interested
if I can have you for life - yeah
Uh, I know I sound serious -
and baby I am
You’re a fine piece of real estate,
and I’m gonna get me some land
Oh, yeah
So, don’t try to run -
honey, love can be fun
There’s no need to be alone
- when you find that someone
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha while I gotcha in sight
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha if it takes all night
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can betcha by the time I say "go," you’ll never say "no"
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, it’s a matter of fact
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, don’tcha worry ‘bout that
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can bet your bottom dollar, in time you’re gonna be mine
Just like I should - I’ll getcha good
Yeah, uh, uh
I’ve already planned it -
here’s how it’s gonna be
I’m gonna love you and -
you’re gonna fall in love with me
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
So, don’t try to run -
honey, love can be fun
There’s no need to be alone
- when you find that someone
Yeah, I’m gonna getcha baby -
I’m gonna knock on wood
I’m gonna getcha somehow honey -
yeah, I’m gonna make it good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
So, don’t try to run -
honey, love can be fun
There’s no need to be alone -
when you find that someone
Oh, I’m gonna getcha, I’m gonna getcha real good
Yeah, you can betcha, oh, I’m gonna getcha
(I’m gonna getcha) just like I should, I’ll getcha good
Oh, I’m gonna getcha good!


仙丽亚.唐恩 (Shania Twain)的 I'm Gonna Getcha Good
Let’s go!
Don’t wantcha for the weekend
don’t wantcha for a night
I’m only interested
if I can have you for life - yeah


仙丽亚.唐恩 (Shania Twain)的 I'm Gonna Getcha Good
Let’s go!
Don’t wantcha for the weekend
don’t wantcha for a night
I’m only interested
if I can have you for life - yeah
Uh, I know I sound serious
and baby I am
You’re a fine piece of real estate,
and I’m gonna get me some land
Oh, yeah
So, don’t try to run
honey, love can be fun
There’s no need to be alone
- when you find that someone
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha while I gotcha in sight
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha if it takes all night
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can betcha by the time I say "go," you’ll never say "no"
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, it’s a matter of fact
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, don’tcha worry ‘bout that
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can bet your bottom dollar, in time you’re gonna be mine
Just like I should - I’ll getcha good
Yeah, uh, uh
I’ve already planned it
here’s how it’s gonna be
I’m gonna love you and
you’re gonna fall in love with me
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
So, don’t try to run
honey, love can be fun
There’s no need to be alone
- when you find that someone
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha while I gotcha in sight
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha if it takes all night
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can betcha by the time I say "go," you’ll never say "no"
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, it’s a matter of fact
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, don’tcha worry ‘bout that
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can bet your bottom dollar, in time you’re gonna be mine
Just like I should - I’ll getcha good
Yeah, I’m gonna getcha baby
I’m gonna knock on wood
I’m gonna getcha somehow honey
yeah, I’m gonna make it good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
So, don’t try to run
honey, love can be fun
There’s no need to be alone
when you find that someone
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, it’s a matter of fact
(I’m gonna getcha)
I’m gonna getcha, don’tcha worry ‘bout that
(Yeah, you can betcha)
You can bet your bottom dollar, in time you’re gonna be mine
You can betcha by the time I say "go," you’ll never say "no"
Oh, I’m gonna getcha, I’m gonna getcha real good
Yeah, you can betcha, oh, I’m gonna getcha
(I’m gonna getcha) just like I should, I’ll getcha good
Oh, I’m gonna getcha good!



英语听力好的,听下这个歌曲,给个歌词,测试下大家的英语听力,这个是我给大家做的建业mtv,用的歌曲我很喜欢,可是就是听不懂歌词,那位达人听下帮我把歌词给整理下啊 ,我想学唱这个歌,地址 求个英语听力高手听段歌词无意间进到这个博客,一下子喜欢上背景音乐,可是博主不厚道不给显示歌名,我试着听歌词,结果英语差..搜不到听到的歌词.来求个英语听力高手听.真的特别喜欢这 求英语听力好的高手写一下这首英文歌曲,听过的者直接告诉我这歌曲的名字也行.能写一下前两句歌词我也能通过搜歌词大概搜到这首歌的名字了. 请英语达人(听力好的)帮忙听听这段歌曲的歌词是什么?由于本人太喜欢这首歌,遗憾的是不知歌名,恳请英语听力不错的有爱人士提供下歌词~小的感激不尽,歌词越详细的话给的悬赏越高~3Q~3 有没有英语听力好的,在,帮我听段音乐,把歌词,写出来 求一首慢摇歌曲,英文的歌词类似有这句:蛤蟆蛤蟆哈.英文的歌词类似有这句:蛤蟆蛤蟆哈.女生的 听过的给说下是什么歌曲呀~额,不是这两首 是个女声的 满好听的一个慢摇.很经典的 英语听力每天听多长时间合适?是连续听好还是分开点时间听?我本人如果认真听的话听个半个小时就头疼了.这个是不是需要锻炼以提高长时间听力的能力? 有一首很好听的英文歌曲 有一首很好听的英文歌曲 歌词里有圣诞节 是小女生的声音,好象是合唱,也可能是女声独唱节奏很轻快,歌曲给人清新的感觉,很活泼,很好听. 英语好的进来,帮我个忙.(100)我喜欢这个视频的歌.你把歌词听出来给我.要隔开哦、顺便把歌词翻译成中文给我. 一首新歌,歌词里最后有,一闪一闪亮晶晶歌词,满天都是小星星,这句歌词,但不是儿歌,挺好听的,男音不是,不是,好像是个网络歌曲,里面好像有童音 【求助水】求教提高英语听力听什么歌?有米有好听点,歌词也简单的英文歌推荐下 包含‘我却已经深深的爱上你’这句词的歌曲很多年听过,歌词都忘了好像都不是,下一句歌词好像是‘就是你,就是你,爱的就是你’,是个女歌手, my heart is broken一句歌词 求首歌名 达人进以前听过的一首歌,好像里边有这句歌词.歌曲很动感,有点霸道.应该是个欧美女孩唱的.好像就知道这些啦.知道的说下, 求歌曲《社会主义好》的歌词 我想知道At The Beginning的歌词第一次听的时候很好听,但只知道它是个英文歌,我想要它的歌词和歌曲 英语翻译有着华人血统Bic Runga的歌曲“Sway”的很好听,求这歌的歌词,最好再翻译下, 英语听力好的进帮忙把这视频中的歌词写出来,用英文。要准确的,差不多程度我自己也能写。直接告诉我歌曲名字也行。 英语听力来了!求这个视频的背景英文歌名或歌词!求这个视频的背景音乐名字!优酷的地址!虎牌啤酒的广告插曲!给个歌名或者全部歌词都行!