1、The girl dances well () the music.A.on B.in C.with D.to2、What you said sounds ().A.great B.beautlful C.excited D.happy1、Miss Fang ()(teach) us English since we () (come) to this school.2、One of my best friends () (move) to Shanghai recently

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 08:33:54

1、The girl dances well () the music.A.on B.in C.with D.to2、What you said sounds ().A.great B.beautlful C.excited D.happy1、Miss Fang ()(teach) us English since we () (come) to this school.2、One of my best friends () (move) to Shanghai recently
1、The girl dances well () the music.
A.on B.in C.with D.to
2、What you said sounds ().
A.great B.beautlful C.excited D.happy
1、Miss Fang ()(teach) us English since we () (come) to this school.
2、One of my best friends () (move) to Shanghai recently.

1、The girl dances well () the music.A.on B.in C.with D.to2、What you said sounds ().A.great B.beautlful C.excited D.happy1、Miss Fang ()(teach) us English since we () (come) to this school.2、One of my best friends () (move) to Shanghai recently
1 D 2 A 1 has taught, came 2 has moved

1、has taught came

1. C (女孩跟着音乐跳的非常好。跟着音乐跳,要用with)
2. A (sounds beautiful一般不会这样说;D完全不通顺;C应该用exciting,不是excited;so A is the answer)
1. Miss Fang has been teaching us English since we came to this school. (自从我们来到这...


1. C (女孩跟着音乐跳的非常好。跟着音乐跳,要用with)
2. A (sounds beautiful一般不会这样说;D完全不通顺;C应该用exciting,不是excited;so A is the answer)
1. Miss Fang has been teaching us English since we came to this school. (自从我们来到这所学校,Fang小姐就教我们英文;第一个括号里应该用has been teaching -- 就是说,一直以来都。。。;接着,看到since,就是过去式,所以要用came)
2. One of my best friends moved to Shanghai recently. (我其中的一位朋友,是单数,所以不能用move复数形式;那接着看后面的语句,to recently, 就是最近刚刚搬到一个城市,也就是说已经搬到上海了,所以要用过去式,moved)



1D 2A
1.has taught ,came


1 had touching come
2 has moved

1.D 2.A 3.has taught /has beening
teaching came 一直教到现在还是叙事的
4.关键在于recently 1.近来 2.新近 3.最近的 4.不久前
recently作时间状语的句子大多数用一般过去时,有的可以用过去完成时:I have recently bought a nice watch.


1.D 2.A 3.has taught /has beening
teaching came 一直教到现在还是叙事的
4.关键在于recently 1.近来 2.新近 3.最近的 4.不久前
recently作时间状语的句子大多数用一般过去时,有的可以用过去完成时:I have recently bought a nice watch.
Recently, I feel tired no matter what I do."


We often see the girl ( ) A .dance B .to dance C .dancing D .dances 选什吗 The girl dances very beautiful.变为感叹句 The girl dances beautifully.(改为感叹句) The girl can__(dance,dances).Look,she's__(dances,dancing)over there怎么填? How ______(good) the little girl dances!为什么写well The girl dances better than the boy .The girls dance than the boys .变为复数时,为什么dances变单数. We know b()is one of the most beautful dances The girl often ____cold when she____ 是填cathcs dances 还是填 catches dances 还是填什么? 在The little girl dances to the music when she hears it 里有啥知 1、The girl dances well () the music.A.on B.in C.with D.to2、What you said sounds ().A.great B.beautlful C.excited D.happy1、Miss Fang ()(teach) us English since we () (come) to this school.2、One of my best friends () (move) to Shanghai recently The girl dances every day .该为一般疑问句.并肯定回答 对括号部分提问 今天就要交1.Jack cut (himself).2.I want (some)meat ,please.3.(This)book is mine.4.Tom stood beside (Sam).5.Four times fives is (twenty).6.He found the wallet (with Jim's help).7.The girl (in red)dances best.8.We study hard we find the girl clever .改为复合句 we often hear the girl ( ) (sing) song. The girl dances( ).And she feels( )every day.A.good;well B.well;good C.well;well D.good;good我一开始也选的B啊, 用how和what补全句子.1.____well she dances!2_____a nice girl she is!3.____exciting news it is!4._____ successful the movie is! how _______(good) the little girl dances what colour is that? ______ A that's blue B it's a blueC lt's a blue D lts blue 1.The girl dances beautfully(改为感叹句)2.The girl is singing in the classroom(改为否定句和一般疑问句)2.They are looking for bags(对画线部分提问,画线部分是“looking for bags“)