
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:19:13


Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea.All whales have forelimbs modified as fins,tails with horizontal flukes and nasal openings on the top the head.
Blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever existed,35m in length and 136 tonnes.It is also believed that only half of their brain is asleep at a time because whales can't afford to become unconscious for long or otherwise they may drown.





Elephant animal totem
If the United States is Turtle Island, a continent supported on the back
of a turtle, then India would be Elephant Island, a continent supported
on the bac...


Elephant animal totem
If the United States is Turtle Island, a continent supported on the back
of a turtle, then India would be Elephant Island, a continent supported
on the back of an elephant. Throughout the centuries, Indian tradition
dictated that all royalty the rulers of the land, be home on the backs of
the children of the great beast that carried the world through space.
The elephant was the totem animal of the god Shiva, the Destroyer,
who seeks to banish illusion and to encourage a clearer perception
of reality Shiva and his goddess-spouse, Radha, produced among their
children the elephant-headed god Ganesha, who, as Lord of Ilosts,
impregnated the virgin Maya to bring Buddha into flesh.
Especially sacred in India was the white elephant, considered far too
priceless to be used for work or warfare, but to be maintained by its owner
in the finest of style. When we speak today of a "white elephant" purchase,
we have realized too late that we have purchased an object at a price that
exceeds its true value.
Sometimes seen as a symbol of great sexual prowess in the Asian countries,
the Chinese portray the elephant as representative of royalty, strength of
purpose, and discretion.
In the widest, most universal, and most obvious depiction of the elephant it
is a symbol of strength. At various times in Medieval Europe, the elephant
also became an emblem of wisdom, moderation, and eternity Then,
accomplishing a complete change of cosmology, there appeared the
elephant-headed demon, Behemoth, a favorite in Dark Side sorcery.
If you have accepted the elephant as your totem animal, it may not be long
before you are asked to assume a role of great responsibility in the workplace
or in your community. If you feel attracted to the elephant as a totem animal, it
is likely that you are involved in social work, public service, or politics. You
may also feel a strong commitment to caring for the ill, the very young,
and the elderly.
Whenever you sense an injustice, you will be there on the side of the underdog.
As your spirit helper, the elephant will be able to draw you back to a greater
appreciation for the ancient mysteries than you have previously experienced.
You will soon discover that your guide is extremely concerned about your
maintaining always a solid balance of body, mind, and spirit. Under the
tutelage of this spirit helper, you will place your time in the Silence as your
top priority. You might find yourself wishing to burn some incense while you
are meditating with this totem animal in order to help create an environment in
which exploration of other higher levels of consciousness will be the rule, rather
than the exception.


请给我猴子,大象,鲸,鲨鱼,鳄鱼的英语作文各一篇(50字内就够了)要写出它们生活在哪里,吃什么,善于什么. 形容动物特点英语句子(猴子 大象 蓝鲸 鲨鱼 鳄鱼)如:The cheetahsThey live in Africa.They eat meat.They are good at running.They run fastest in the world(猴子momkey 大象elephant 蓝鲸whale 鲨鱼shark 鳄鱼crocodile) 蛇和鳄鱼谁厉害我看视频 亚马逊巨蟒 把鳄鱼给吞了 而且他是主动去找鳄鱼打架的 这么说 巨莽比鳄鱼厉害吗 另外还有个视频 是鳄鱼和鲨鱼打架的 都是顶级的海中之王 海里其实也有鳄鱼 但 鳄鱼皮有没有鲨鱼皮和大象皮厚,哪种皮最厚我想知道这两个问题如果用这三种皮做成铠甲,哪个防护性最好?鳄鱼咬鲨鱼咬的动吗,鲨鱼咬鳄鱼咬的动吗,它们咬大象咬的动吗?鲨鱼鳄鱼鱼 我们看到猴子和大象等动物 的英语是什么 鲨鱼VS鳄鱼,谁会更厉害些?如果鲨鱼能和鳄鱼在水里相遇,谁会更厉害些?当然我说的都是最厉害的,鳄鱼也是那些体积庞大的,比如尼罗鳄. 动物会强奸吗比如陆地上的猩猩 猴子 老虎 海里的鲨鱼 天空中的鸟儿顺便问一下冷血动物比如蛇鳄鱼也会吗? 地球上最大的动物是什么?A.鳄鱼 B.鲨鱼 C.鲸 请问鳄鱼和鲨鱼哪个厉害?鳄鱼和老虎哪个厉害?六岁孩子提的问题 请帮我慎重回答 假设可以碰到一起的话.鳄鱼要上岸休息 老虎要喝水 .他知道奥特曼厉害.7楼的变就别来答,换个正常的来回 关于野生动物的谚语鳄鱼的眼泪—— 大象的屁股—— 猴子吃核桃—— 鹰飞天空狐走夜道—— 用英语造句 6个动物每个动物造一段 一段不少于三句 要求用上 a kind of as asIt can鳄鱼 大象 鲸鱼 鲨鱼 河马 斑马 狮子 蝴蝶 长颈鹿 这些里选六个造句 急死我了 快啊 k 鳄鱼的英语拼写 熊猫 马 猴子 长颈鹿 鸟 鲨鱼 袋鼠 的英语快还有蝴蝶 鳄鱼用英文怎么说注:不是把鳄鱼的英文给我,而是把鳄鱼英文的谐音给我如:先生们女士们 译成 累迪森按的间头门 鳄鱼怎么打猴子 鳄鱼和鲨鱼哪个厉害 大象的体重是猴子的3.8倍,猴子比大象轻138千克,问大象猴子各种多少 大象比猴子重928千克,大象的体重是猴子的30倍,大象和猴子分别是多少?