
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 02:45:37


As a returned-talents style writter Wang Anyi created vivid image of women one after another with the unique angle of female and exquisite brushwork,some of them is tough,intelligent,stupid,tolerant,gentle and euphemistic,hereon I will simplely talk about two heroines in Overlasting Regret and Love of A Small Town,I analyse what a female image they are from their life selection and understand their awakening of female mentality and constant self transcendence,what we will learn and understand from them?
Keywords:Tough female,maternity brilliance,self transcendence

Wang An's recall~toing the mind is a Shanghai style writer, she with female special angle and delicate of the style of drawing molded one and other and flexible and female image and had tough and resi...


Wang An's recall~toing the mind is a Shanghai style writer, she with female special angle and delicate of the style of drawing molded one and other and flexible and female image and had tough and resilient of, have is is smart and have dull, have been already tolerated, Wen Wan, here I will shallow talk under 《long hate song 》and 《 small city it love 》 of two hostess Mr., the life from they, choose to analytical they what kind of a female image, awakening and continuous ego of female consciousness seeing them outstrips, can make people understand from their body what learn what.


Wang Anyi, a Shanghai Writer, has created many vivid female figures at her unique insight such as fortitudinous, smart, silly, kind and mild. I will hereby talk about the two heroines of Song of Everl...


Wang Anyi, a Shanghai Writer, has created many vivid female figures at her unique insight such as fortitudinous, smart, silly, kind and mild. I will hereby talk about the two heroines of Song of Everlasting Sorrow and The Town of Love. Through their life, I will analyze their female characters, their waked female awareness and constant self excelling as well as what people can learn from them.
