英语翻译DESPITE a multitude of measures,many of them considered decisive and effective,taken by the central government to curb wild property prices,the overheating Chinese home market shows few signs of cooling-off.Property developers everywhere

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:54:40

英语翻译DESPITE a multitude of measures,many of them considered decisive and effective,taken by the central government to curb wild property prices,the overheating Chinese home market shows few signs of cooling-off.Property developers everywhere
DESPITE a multitude of measures,many of them considered decisive and effective,taken by the central government to curb wild property prices,the overheating Chinese home market shows few signs of cooling-off.
Property developers everywhere are competing to break records for the highest land-bidding prices,hence,we see a series of "kings of the land," referring to lots acquired at the highest bid.
What's more,the fever for land acquisition is spreading from the major cities,mostly coastal ones,to medium and small cities.
On the one hand,the authorities spare no efforts to rein in soaring prices.The population,trusting the government,had high hopes that it would bring down the prices in a swoop.Premier Wen Jiabao has several times expressed determination to achieve this objective.On the other hand,developers have never shown a shred of willingness to cave in,and by pushing the prices so high they are protesting their commanding edge.
As a result,the longer people wait,the higher the prices.Frustrated people are even beginning to doubt that authorities have silver bullets,and scrambling to buy before prices rise further.This is a vicious cycle,making it more difficult to control prices.
The People's Daily has been bashing tudi caizheng,or "land revenue," meaning taxes and fees local governments levy on developers and other land users.
Almost everyone knows that tudi caizheng is at least partly responsible for the ever-inflating bubble.
National data shows,during 2001-2003,the total land-sales revenue was over 0.91 trillion yuan (US$137 billion),accounting for 35 per cent of total fiscal revenue.The figure for 2009 rose to 1.5 trillion yuan,equivalent to 46 per cent of the total.
This year's figure is expected to surpass 2 trillion yuan,an astronomical one.
In the breakdown,the combined land revenues for Beijing,Tianjin and Shanghai - whose housing prices are among the nation's highest - are expected to hit 400 billion yuan,20 percent of the expected national total of 2 trillion yuan.In contrast,the combined GDP of these three cities accounts for only 11 percent of the national total.
Many other cash-strapped cities and counties are virtually running on land sales.
Since the 1990s,China's urbanization and industrialization has been dominated by local governments and features vast urbanization.
The adoption of the "revenue-sharing-scheme" in 1994 gave governments great incentive to sell as much land as possible at top prices.
While the ingenious model did spur economic development,it sowed seeds of risks.
With farm land disappearing around cities,vegetables and other food are more expensive; conflicts - many bloody and even deadly - are escalating between demolition teams and home owners.
The tricky question now is how we can expect insatiable officials and developers,who are usually in cahoots to boost land prices,to part with their long-savored meat.
If this craziness carries on,there will

英语翻译DESPITE a multitude of measures,many of them considered decisive and effective,taken by the central government to curb wild property prices,the overheating Chinese home market shows few signs of cooling-off.Property developers everywhere
尽管许多措施,其中许多人认为果断和有效的,由中央政府采取的遏制野生物业的价格,过热的中国国内市场降温的迹象显示过.房地产开发商到处都竞相打破最高的土地招标的价格纪录,因此,我们看到了一系列的“国王的土地”,指在最高出价收购了很多.更何况,对土地的收购热是从各大城市蔓延,主要是沿海的,以中,小城市.一方面,当局不遗余力地遏制物价飞涨.人口,相信政府,有很高的期望,它会带来一个猛扑下来的价格.国务院总理温家宝多次表示决心为实现这一目标.另一方面,开发商从来没有表现出一丝一毫的意愿塌陷,并推动价格如此之高,他们是抗议他们的指挥能力.因此,人们等待的时间越长,价格越高.失意的人甚至开始怀疑,当局有银色子弹,并争相购买前价格进一步上涨.这是一个恶性循环,使之更难以控制的价格.人民日报一直扑土地财政,或“土地收入”,这意味着开发者和其他土地使用者税费征收地方政府.几乎每个人都知道,土地财政至少部分为不断膨胀的泡沫负责.国家数据显示,在2001-2003年,土地总销售收入超过09100.00亿元(1,370亿美元),占35财政总收入的百分之.2009年的数字上升到1.5万亿元,相当于46个占总数的百分之.今年的数字预计将超过2万亿元,是一个天文之一.在故障,北京,天津,上海联合土地收入 - 其住房价格位居全国最高 - 预计将达到400亿元,20预计2万亿元的国家总数的百分之.与此相反,这三个城市的只有11占全国总量的百分之合并国内生产总值.许多其他现金短缺的县市几乎运行在卖地.90年代以来,中国的城市化和工业化一直占据着当地政府和广大城市化特征.而“分税制计划”在1994年通过了政府的高度鼓励尽可能多的出售土地的最高价格.而巧妙的模型并推动经济发展,它播下了危险的种子.随着城市周围的农地消失,蔬菜和其他食品更加昂贵;冲突 - 许多血腥的甚至是致命的 - 都与拆迁队和房主升级.棘手的问题是我们如何能够期望贪得无厌的官员和开发商,谁是勾结通常是推高地价,与他们长期品尝肉的一部分.如果这种疯狂进行,将有



尽管许多措施,其中许多人认为果断和有效的,由中央政府采取的遏制野生物业的价格,过热的中国国内市场降温的迹象显示过。房地产开发商到处都竞相打破最高的土地招标的价格纪录,因此,我们看到了一系列的“国王的土地”,指在最高出价收购了很多。更何况,对土地的收购热是从各大城市蔓延,主要是沿海的,以中,小城市。一方面,当局不遗余力地遏制物价飞涨。人口,相信政府,有很高的期望,它会带来一个猛扑下来的价格。国务院总理温家宝多次表示决心为实现这一目标。另一方面,开发商从来没有表现出一丝一毫的意愿塌陷,并推动价格如此之高,他们是抗议他们的指挥能力。因此,人们等待的时间越长,价格越高。失意的人甚至开始怀疑,当局有银色子弹,并争相购买前价格进一步上涨。这是一个恶性循环,使之更难以控制的价格。人民日报一直扑tudi caizheng,或“土地收入”,这意味着开发者和其他土地使用者税费征收地方政府。几乎每个人都知道,tudi caizheng至少部分为不断膨胀的泡沫负责。国家数据显示,在2001-2003年,土地总销售收入超过09100.00亿元(1,370亿美元),占35财政总收入的百分之。 2009年的数字上升到1.5万亿元,相当于46个占总数的百分之。今年的数字预计将超过2万亿元,是一个天文之一。在故障,北京,天津,上海联合土地收入 - 其住房价格位居全国最高 - 预计将达到400亿元,20预计2万亿元的国家总数的百分之。与此相反,这三个城市的只有11占全国总量的百分之合并国内生产总值。许多其他现金短缺的县市几乎运行在卖地。 90年代以来,中国的城市化和工业化一直占据着当地政府和广大城市化特征。而“分税制计划”在1994年通过了政府的高度鼓励尽可能多的出售土地的最高价格。而巧妙的模型并推动经济发展,它播下了危险的种子。随着城市周围的农地消失,蔬菜和其他食品更加昂贵;冲突 - 许多血腥的甚至是致命的 - 都与拆迁队和房主升级。棘手的问题是我们如何能够期望贪得无厌的官员和开发商,谁是勾结通常是推高地价,与他们长期品尝肉的一部分。如果这种疯狂进行,将有


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