
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:49:27


both(前位限定词) the(中位限定词) other(后位限定词) two(后位限定词)

8:They,saW,填空格,grils,the,day,before,yesterday,A,both,the,other,tWo,B,the,two,other,both,C,the,both,other,tWo,D,the,both,tWo,other I saw Li Lei (go) out just now.这里的空格填什么?为什么?I saw Li Lei (go) out just now.这里的空格填什么?为什么? They did s________ about learning English 空格填什么 The girl___we saw yesterday was Jim's sister.空格可以填哪些关系代词? we saw the car accident h_____ last night.空格上填什么? While I was standing__the window,I saw several boys running__the street第一个空格at没问题,第二个空格填along.为什么不能填on? 英语翻译1.it will be a bad lookout.其中Lookout是什么意思2.they should have poured some pepper on it when they ______ (eat) the fried chicken.空格处填动词的什么形式,并说明理由.再增加一个:i saw Ben yesterday.i ________ They ( )down the road and they saw lots of bThey ( )down the road and they saw lots of beautiful flowers.怎么判断填walked还是looked a few of us girls are planning to drive to Florida during spring break.为什么中间是选us girls 而不是其余选项 A we girls B us grils C grils we D grils 我想填的是D 他们早上7.50上学 英文 They go to school ten eight 空格填什么? This is the_____(twin)study.they often study in it .空格填什么 1,We have understood where--- 2,They have all read where----《空格怎么填?》 look!they (sing) over there 中的空格该怎么填?快告诉锇锕. with the ___money,they did the best job(little)空格填什么并说明一下为什么 they will be there ——six o’clock,空格填什么介词 They like to study the things in _____nature.空格处填什么 They saw many birds __in the zoo .sing sang singing 填哪个选项 The fans clapped with joy when they saw the stars.这里为什么不填were clapping?