I didn't leave the office until I finished ma work.同义句 I_____the office_____I finished my work

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:45:18

I didn't leave the office until I finished ma work.同义句 I_____the office_____I finished my work
I didn't leave the office until I finished ma work.同义句 I_____the office_____I finished my work

I didn't leave the office until I finished ma work.同义句 I_____the office_____I finished my work
I didn't leave the office until I finished my work.同义句
I【left】the office【after】I finished my work

left when

I__left__the office__after___I finished my work

didn't before/ left after

I didn't leave the office until I finished ma work._
I stayed in the office until I finished ma work.

8.not until ten o’clock——the office.1.did we leave 2.we did leave 3.we left 4.we didn’t leave I didn't leave,Please don't easily say release . I didn't leave the office until I finished ma work.同义句 I_____the office_____I finished my work She didn't leave school until the rain stopped. You haven’t seen a blue notebook,have you?I hope I didn’t leave it in the reading room.怎么翻译啊 I didn't _______ you were going to leave _______ 3 o'clock.A.remember; beforeB.realize ; until详解,谢,并指出另一项错在哪里 i didn't __ you were going to leave __ 3 o' clocka:find ,at b:realize ,until c:remember ,befored:tell ,after 为什么其他的不可以 I didn't ____ you are going to leave ____ 3 o'clock.a.find;until b.remember;before为什么不能选b? model B:he didn't come back.we were ready to leave.(until)------he didn't come back until we were readyto leave1,the teacher didn't begin the lesson.all the students became quiet2,i couldn't ride a bike.I was sixteen3,i didn't know about this.he told He didn't catch the first bus _A.So didn't I B.So I didn't C.I didn't ,tooA.So didn't I B.So I didn't C.I didn't ,too D.Neither did I he commanded that the stuents _the classroom before he retureda,didn't leave b,wouldn't leave c,needn't leave d,not leave The boss commanded that his men (.) their office before dark .A didn't leave B not leave.看xia fC hadn't leave D.wouldn't leave We didn't leave the airport until the plane dissappeared.(改为同义句)We didn't leave the airport until the plane was _____ _____ _____. 1.I didn't _ (notice) you were going to leave.2.The young man ran away quickly and _ (could no longer be seen) in the crow. I was o什么 just now,so I didn't hear the phone他们的房间大多了怎么说 I didn‘t leave until the teacher came改成强调句型是什么?改成倒装句型呢?she didn‘t realize her mistake until i told her 改成强调句型是什么?改成倒装句型呢? I left very early last night ,but I wish I ( )so early.A.didn't leave B.hadn't left C.haven't left D.couldn't leave I saw a boy _____this cat in the street and he didn't want to take it home.(选神马)A.getB,give C.letD.leave