请帮我翻译一段会计方面的英文While these traditional approaches often reduce costs immediately, the associated reduction in the value of human assets sets the stage for potential long-term failure. Four traditional cost reduction program

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:10:19

请帮我翻译一段会计方面的英文While these traditional approaches often reduce costs immediately, the associated reduction in the value of human assets sets the stage for potential long-term failure. Four traditional cost reduction program
While these traditional approaches often reduce costs immediately, the associated reduction in the value of human assets sets the stage for potential long-term failure. Four traditional cost reduction programs are briefly described below.
Lean and mean approaches apply tough policies and controls to reduce the number of employees. A common approach is to implement across-the-board cost cuts through layoffs and through reductions in pay and benefits. While there is an immediate cost decrease, long-term effects are adverse. The morale, motivation and commitment of remaining employees decreases, and the creative and talented employees leave for better employment opportunities. Another approach used by some firms is to try to reduce costs by moving overseas. This offers the promise of lower labor costs. However, many such firms have realized that start-up costs of such offshore retreats are higher than expected, while quality and delivery performance are lower.
Top management focus -- The first step to achieving TCM is to make a thorough assessment of the company's current environment, operations, philosophy and organization. The second step that top management should take is to delegate the task of implementation of TCM to a mid-level champion in the organization. This zealous and voluntary champion should have strong entrepreneurial skills, political savvy, and should be resourceful enough to generate whatever resources are needed for implementation of TCM. Finally, this TCM champion will need the support of top management to build his transition team.
Mission/Goals -- A TCM philosophy should evolve around the mission/goals of the organization. In Figure 3, a loop is shown between mission/goals of the company and top management focus for the implementation of TCM. The commitment to continuous improvement and the steps needed to reinforce it should be aligned with the mission statement, core competencies and long-term goals of the organization. Chaparral Steel's mission as explained by CEO Gordon Forward, "One of our core competencies is the rapid realization of new technology into products. We are a learning organization." Keeping this in focus, the management style is wide open at Chaparral Steel. There are no assigned parking places, no different colored hard hats or uniforms reflecting title or position, and the company dining room is a local diner.
Technology -- Everything we do today in running a business involves technology of some sort, even though one or more technologies may be more important to the product or production process. Technology affects competitive advantage. Therefore, an effective implementation of TCM requires an understanding of the role of technology in determining relative cost or differentiation. The rise of continuous casting in steel-making is a good example of technology playing an important role in relative cost as continuous casters significantly reduce manufacturing cost.

请帮我翻译一段会计方面的英文While these traditional approaches often reduce costs immediately, the associated reduction in the value of human assets sets the stage for potential long-term failure. Four traditional cost reduction program
使命/目标——TCM哲学应该围绕组织使命/目标进行演化.图3,圆形图示展现了公司的使命/目标和一流的管理专注于TCM的实施.持续改进的承诺和步骤需要加强,它必须符合使命宣言,核心竞争力与组织的长期目标.首席执行官Gordon Forward解释了Chaparral Steel的使命:“我们的核心竞争力之一是能将新技术快速使用到产品上.我们是一个学习型组织.“将此作为重点,我们的管理风格是开放型的,没有指定的停车位,安全帽不设置颜色来区分头衔或职位,公司食堂是一个当地的餐馆.

循惯例是立即降低成本和其他相关的人力资源的节约是长期隐忧. 让我把四个传统的成本节约措施简例介绍如下:


循惯例是立即降低成本和其他相关的人力资源的节约是长期隐忧. 让我把四个传统的成本节约措施简例介绍如下:
高层领导方面- 首先是彻底检讨当前公司的处境,运作,管理和宗旨以便实现全面成本控制。尔後,再委任单一中层领导去实行全面成本控制,他/她须具备热忱,开创心,识大体,有魄力。他/她更需高层领导的委托去组成小组。
科技-现今运用科技在早已是比比皆是,科技能领导潮流, 带来优势,因此,有效的执行全面成本控制需要为科技找个定位-成本/优劣,查巴啦钢铁就是个实例,如何巧妙的运用科技和其成本的相互配合而达到目的。


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