英语口语应试稿Describe how Western culture is in influences are Chinese teenagers.You should say:1.what the main influences are 2.whether or not the influences are positive or negative 3.how you feel about them

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:18:27

英语口语应试稿Describe how Western culture is in influences are Chinese teenagers.You should say:1.what the main influences are 2.whether or not the influences are positive or negative 3.how you feel about them
Describe how Western culture is in influences are Chinese teenagers.You should say:1.what the main influences are 2.whether or not the influences are positive or negative 3.how you feel about them

英语口语应试稿Describe how Western culture is in influences are Chinese teenagers.You should say:1.what the main influences are 2.whether or not the influences are positive or negative 3.how you feel about them
After the reform and opening up, many Western products and culture also will be an influx of China. Today, some city kids eating Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's, watching "Harry Potter" grow up, but for their country's culture almost do not know. Obviously, because of strong modern West, many Chinese people, especially young people, we blindly pursuing "foreign goods", even against his own country's culture and commodities are very disdain, it is indeed not a good sign. However, some of Western culture, we should learn from good, but the unconditional acceptance of all the West and forget our own culture, which is very sad .
It is clear that modern Western culture on China's influence is embodied in several aspects. Western countries food, music, movies and even the language and other aspects of China's young people had varying degrees of impact. Now many young people love their city to eat American fast food, they chose to spend a lot of money to eat those greasy junk food, do not eat ordinary Chinese food, which their health has great adverse effects. Western movies and music on China's influence is not to be underestimated, and now many Chinese people like to see large areas of the United States, it is not only confined to young people, even many middle-aged people are also very popular to see large areas of the United States, but American movies are the most obvious impact of course, China's young people. At present, many Chinese young people advocating non-mainstream, like Tiaojie Wu, in fact, these are subject to U.S. culture. Western music in China a greater impact on young people, and even I am also deeply their impact. At present, many Chinese young people like to listen to rock music originated in the United States, as well as jazz, but for the Chinese do not have the slightest interest in opera, while others simply do not even listening to Chinese songs. I think this is quite understandable that the main reason is that China's classical music, some do not meet modern tastes, their rhythm is too slow, it is causing people to feel it hard to accept, but also the Chinese pop music are mostly copied from foreign Therefore, people say it is difficult to generate great interest. Therefore, in order to fundamentally solve this problem, it should have found that some aspects of the entertainment and artistic talents to improve the quality of China's film and television music.
I personally think that the West's food, film and music on China's influence is still very limited, while China's largest cultural erosion hazards should also be reflected in the language and values of the impact. At present, many college students, students do not know "The Analects of Confucius", "Spring and Autumn", "The Art of War", I think it is even more tragic. There are many Chinese young people traditional Chinese culture holds great disdain attitude. In the language, due to the popularity of English, many people learn their own mother tongue is very non-existent. U.S. hegemony in cyberspace has also had a great impact on Chinese youth, primarily to highlight the network based on the English language. Today, the Internet, the dominant language is English, accounting for more than 90%, Chinese account for less than 1%; 90% of the information is information in English, together with the United States outlets more developed Western countries, Internet information content large, so they Internet users visit the website as most places. English as a common standard language of fashion, does not speak English almost impossible online exchanges, which has inspired the enthusiasm of Chinese youth to learn English, while filling they have overlooked the importance of the Chinese language, leading to their reduced ability to master the Chinese language. The most evident on the writing of Chinese characters, one pick up a pen forget the word spelling increased; second, illegible handwriting, artistic degree of reduction, calligraphy has been seriously neglected; 3 is a classical Chinese, ancient poetry and gradually lost interest in the impact of China's outstanding the continuation of traditional culture, so Chinese faced the danger of shrinking. This shows that the West's cultural hegemony has produced a certain influence young people in China, China should maintain a clear understanding as a preventive measure, put forward its own effective responses.
In addition, due to economic globalization, cultural globalization has brought to make culture beyond national boundaries, within the framework of a global movement of international cultural exchanges become more frequent. For Chinese youngsters, they will be a greater impact. Western culture is really bad for China There are many young people, which for us is indeed an erosion of Chinese culture, but I think a total negation of everything the West is not correct, after all, the West there are many we need to learn. As China's young people, foreign culture is to maintain essence, to the attitude of its dross, there is selective acceptance of Western culture and to retain and carry forward our fine traditional Chinese culture, which for China's future development is very important. Perhaps the young people themselves can not be aware of this, which requires schools to help them realize the importance of transmission of Chinese culture.


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