英语句子she coudnnot read or write的意思

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英语句子she coudnnot read or write的意思
英语句子she coudnnot read or write的意思

英语句子she coudnnot read or write的意思




她既不能读 也不能写 否定句里or不表示或者,还是两者都否定。即如果肯定句是and 否定句要改为or

英语句子she coudnnot read or write的意思 七年级英语句子填空、{ }does she like { }breakfastshe{ } { }where are the { }they're{ }the pencil{ ] the hat{ } [ ] [ ]the pant[ ] [ ]the[ ]jim has a [ ],but be[ ] [ ] a[ ] you're veru late英语句子的汉语是什么? 英语句子分析,英语高手请进You’re the one always acting like she’s running for mayor of Stepford.这里为什么用act的进行时态,它做什么成分. 七年级上学期英语正式篇《畅游新课堂》第三单元急求答案!一、根据句意用适当的单词完成下列句子.1、 They're my father's parents.Thet're my( ).2、 She is my mother's daughter.She is my( ).二、按要求变换 快来帮帮忙!小学五年级英语题!急急急!下面的句子都有问题,你能把它找出来并改正吗?例句:How do she goes to school?改正:How does she go to school?(1)She enjoies Japanese food very much.(2)The girl in re 将下列英语句子补充完整补充下列英语句子::1.You're too young to go out by______.2.His new machine is driving______crazy.3.Switzerland is famous for_______watches,chocolate...4.They plan to move to_____new house soon.5.She cut____ 英语改错(句子)五年级改错(先写出错的地方,再改正)1、Move your legs of he left.2 Are your real for breakfast.3 You're real busy today.4 Daivd have a busy day.5 She is at home .She is clean the bedroom.6 How do he spend his 跪求各路英雄,美女帮我改英语合并句子!1.Adam and louise are the good-looking couple.They're talking to Tom.2.Lynne is the young girl.She's in a striped T-shirt and blue jeans.3.Jesscia is the attractive woman.She's sitting to the left 英语句子配对( )1 What's it A some questions about your vacating( )2 She is taking a walk B with her dog( )3 Can I ask you C who speak French( )4 There're many people there D where to go ( )5 She's planning to She is good at maths 用英语解释句子 英语句子改错She is a warm heart woman 英语解释句子it seems that they know what they' re doingit seems that they know what they' re doing汗..不是用中文,英文解释英文 选词填空!待选词:good/they/this/hate/take/want/late句子1.she agrees with some of ( )句子2.for example,they can't arrive( )句子3.all ( )rules are okay because they're reasomable句子4.but she thinks jeans are ( )because they're co 英语完成句子:She loves China very much,and she ___ to know more about China. 英语句子Is Linda a girl?肯定回答用it还是用she?it she都行? 初二英语上册、改写句子.She shows interest in maths.she ( ) ( ) ( ) maths. 英语句子题 she is a nice girl.She works hard.改为否定,一般疑问句