The man rushed out of the room,got into his car and sterted it hurriedly ,hoping to get homeas soon as possible.这里get为什么要用过去式?hope为什么要用现在分词?hope为什么不能用过去分词?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:21:52

The man rushed out of the room,got into his car and sterted it hurriedly ,hoping to get homeas soon as possible.这里get为什么要用过去式?hope为什么要用现在分词?hope为什么不能用过去分词?
The man rushed out of the room,got into his car and sterted it hurriedly ,hoping to get home
as soon as possible.这里get为什么要用过去式?hope为什么要用现在分词?

The man rushed out of the room,got into his car and sterted it hurriedly ,hoping to get homeas soon as possible.这里get为什么要用过去式?hope为什么要用现在分词?hope为什么不能用过去分词?
get要与前面的 rush保持时态的一致所以用过去式,hope与The man 是主动关系,是非谓语动词所以用Hoping

...did..., did...and did..., doing......


...did..., did...and did..., doing...


got 是谓语 和 rushed, sterted,并列!所以是过去式 。只是3个动词而已。
hoping后面是现在分词做宾语补足语,或者可以说是做伴随状语 这个语法应该比较简单明显




get 在这里与rush并列,而用现在分词表示这件事伴随着发生,用来修饰the man.

the young man rushed out and soon _____(disappear)in the rain 谁能帮我改错:an explosion was heard from inside the house and then rushed out the man and his wife rushed out the door 的意思? Out rushed the children 顺便说一下Out rushed 这类词的用法. She rushed into the kitchen _______(save) the poor man. Hearing the bell.out rushed the children.翻译 As soon as he felt the earth was trembling,the young man rushed out,( )the desk and disappearedAs soon as he felt the earth was trembling,the young man rushed out,( ) the dictionary ( )on the desk and disappeared into the distanceA,left;lian open B,l i wanted as he rushed over to the man 翻译 Out rushed the girl,crying.这句话有没有语法错误 _____ from behind the door.A.did the thief rush out.B.the thief was rushing out C.out rushed the thief D.rushed out the thief Out - - -,with an apple in his hand.A.rushed the boy B.did the boy rushed C.the boy rushed D.the boy did rush on hearing the news,the man rushed out,___the book__on the desk and disappeared into the distance.a.left,lain open b.left,lay opened c.leaving,lie opened d.leaving,lying open(请说明理由!为什么选D) The man rushed out of the room,got into his car and sterted it hurriedly ,hoping to get homeas soon as possible.这里get为什么要用过去式?hope为什么要用现在分词?hope为什么不能用过去分词? The man rushed out of the house ___we could stop himA.when B.before我选的是A,是错误的.为什么错?答案B为什么是对的? _____ with his slippers on when he heard the terrible noise.A.Rushed he out B.Out he rushed C.Out rushed he D.Out did he rush答案为什么是B?什么时候完全倒装,什么时候部分倒装? Out rushed a missile from under the bomber.变成什么句?Out rushed a missile from under the bomber.变成A missile out rushed from under the bomber.叫作变什么 是 in came the teacher 还是 in the teacher came如果是 in came the teacher 那么为什有 Out he rushed 而不是 Out rushed he? He rushed out of the room after he heard of the news.=He rushed out of the room after__ __the news