英语翻译they assume that other poeple mean them harm when they do not.这里的mean them harm怎么理解?mean怎么理解?后者THEY指代什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 16:51:10

英语翻译they assume that other poeple mean them harm when they do not.这里的mean them harm怎么理解?mean怎么理解?后者THEY指代什么?
they assume that other poeple mean them harm when they do not.
这里的mean them harm怎么理解?mean怎么理解?

英语翻译they assume that other poeple mean them harm when they do not.这里的mean them harm怎么理解?mean怎么理解?后者THEY指代什么?
mean :意欲,意图,打算
I mean her no harm.
mean them harm ,可译 为:对他们不利 ,对他们有威胁
they assume that {other people mean them harm (when they do not).}
大括号内全是assume的宾语,小括号内是other people mean them harm 的时间状语;
they 指代前边的other people .

Aggressive people assume that other people mean them harm when they do not
mean them harm 对他们来说是有威胁的

mean them no harm意思是意欲伤害他们,them 指的是一开始的那个they,后面“when they do not”中的they指的是other people。

mean them harm, mean 应该是other people 的谓语,我的理解是,认为,跟assume差不多的。

英语翻译they assume that other poeple mean them harm when they do not.这里的mean them harm怎么理解?mean怎么理解?后者THEY指代什么? 英语翻译原句是:what is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real.有人可以帮帮忙吗, 英语翻译there are predictable which businessmen,housewives,singles and others will touch upon when they first meet.Later,once two people have gotten acquainted,they more or less assume that it was all that conversation that gave them their inform 英语翻译1.what is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real.it's a self-examination that has,at various times,involved issues of responsibility,creative freedom and the 英语翻译我的母语是英语,而我现在在学中文.assume用中文怎么说?还有,这句话的翻译是啥呢:Many Europeans often assume that someone who looks Asian has got to be Chinese,completely neglecting the fact that they could als 英语翻译We needn't assume that there was a sinister motive for what she did. It seems reasonable to assume that ,other things _____(be) equal,they would~~~为什么那么添It seems reasonable to assume that ,other things _____(be) equal,they would prefer single to shared rooms. men can only be happy when they do not assume that The object of life is happiness是什么意思阿? 请分析一个英语句子的成分,:The default you should assume for other peopl's work is that they assume 英语翻译是否有这样的句式:it would be +adj+to assume that,如果有,应该如何翻译 英语翻译这里的“assume”是神马意思 英语翻译In movies,we often see the most popular teens dominate their peers like alpha elites on a mission.We know these stereotypes all too well and assume they are just that -- blown up generalizations.But movies aside,is there some underlying t 英语翻译Great comic art is never otherworldly,it dose not seek to mystify us,and it does not deny ambiguity by branding as evil whatever differs form good.Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all light,and thus they seek to accentuate c 英语翻译Great comic art is never otherworldly,it does not seek to mystify us,and it does not deny ambiguity by branding as evil whatever differs from good.Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights,and thus they seek to accentuate 英语翻译(1)Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights,and thus they seek to accentuate contradictons in social action,not gloss over or transcend them by appeals to extrasocial symbols of divine ends,comic purpose,or laws of na 英语翻译1 Armed with such a precept,a number of doctors my slip into deceptive practices that they assume will do no harm and may well help their patients.2.I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarter overlooking a cemetery,and I was earning ba 英语翻译The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter,and change throughout life.Most of us can,at a very high speed,assume the statuses that various situations require.