英语翻译5.Comeback (1995-97)Fortunately,as John Lasseter came back to Disney with an improved script for the featurefilm,called Toy Story,the project got back on track.The movie was to be released for Thanksgiving 1995.As the date approached,Stev

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 17:43:51

英语翻译5.Comeback (1995-97)Fortunately,as John Lasseter came back to Disney with an improved script for the featurefilm,called Toy Story,the project got back on track.The movie was to be released for Thanksgiving 1995.As the date approached,Stev
5.Comeback (1995-97)
Fortunately,as John Lasseter came back to Disney with an improved script for the feature
film,called Toy Story,the project got back on track.The movie was to be released for Thanksgiving 1995.As the date approached,Steve Jobs realized what an incredible power
the Disney brand was.He decided Pixar would go public the week after the release of Toy
Story,cashing in on the media hype surrounding the first computer-generated animation
movie of all time.It worked wonders:Toy Story’s box-office success was only surpassed by the Pixar stock’s success on Wall Street.Steve Jobs,who owned 80% of the company,saw his net worth rise to over $1.5 billion — five times the money he had ever made at Apple in the 1980s!
Speaking of Apple,the fruit company was in the midst of his worst year ever.After the
release of Windows 95,the Mac,which had turned profitable but had failed to evolve for a
decade while Steve Jobs was away,started losing market share at an alarming rate.By
1996,the company’s newly appointed CEO,Gil Amelio,was looking for new software to replace the old and bloated Mac OS.He eventually chose Steve’s NeXTSTEP.Apple paid $400 million to acquire NeXT,and Steve was back to the company that had thrown him out a decade earlier.His official title was that of “informal adviser to the CEO.”
But when Amelio announced Apple’s losses of $700 million for the first quarter of 1997,the board decided it was time to get rid of this terrible manager.Steve Jobs organized a board coup and was named interim CEO of Apple in July 1997.He immediately started an extensive review of the whole company,cutting the number of projects from hundreds
to a dozen.The number of hardware products would be cut down to just four.He also made a shocking announcement at Macworld Boston in August:Apple would be teaming up with its arch-rival Microsoft,in an unprecedented deal that would put an end to interminable patent disputes.

英语翻译5.Comeback (1995-97)Fortunately,as John Lasseter came back to Disney with an improved script for the featurefilm,called Toy Story,the project got back on track.The movie was to be released for Thanksgiving 1995.As the date approached,Stev
5 回归
幸运的是,随着John Lasseter 拿着名叫“玩具总动员”的经过修改后的剧本回归到迪士尼,项目步入了正轨.影片预计在1995年的感恩节上映.随着影片上映日期的临近,Steve Jobs 意识到迪士尼这个品牌拥有多么不可思议的的力量.他决定让Pixar浮出水面,并大肆接受媒体的采访这部有史以来由电脑制作的第一部三位动画片.这样做带来的神奇效果是:即便是“玩具总动员”豪华的票房成绩也难掩在华尔街上Pixar的股票上扬的光辉.拥有80%股份的Steve Jobs目睹了自己身价飙升至15亿美元--是他80年代在苹果身价的5倍!
说到此时的苹果,这个以水果命名的公司正处于创办以来最糟糕的境地.随着Windows 95的发布,在Steve Jobs离开以后苹果公司的盈利日益萎缩,并开始以令人担忧的速度失掉市场份额.到1996年,公司新任的CEO,Gil Amelio,已经开始寻找新的软件来代替陈旧和臃肿的苹果操作系统.他最终选择了 Steve创办的NeXTSTEP.苹果花费了4亿美金收购了NeXT,Steve 也以这种方式回到了他早年自己创立又被驱逐的公司.他的官方头衔是“CEO的非正式顾问”.
但是,当 Amelio 宣布1997年第一季度苹果亏损了7亿美金的时候,董事局认为是时候解雇这个糟糕的管理者了.Steve Jobs 重建了董事局,并在1997年4月被任命为临时CEO.他立即开始详细地审视公司,并终止了数十到数百个项目.硬件产品的数量被削减到4种.同年4月,他在波士顿的Macworld上宣布了一个令人震惊的决定:苹果将与他的竞争对手微软合作,这个史无前例的交易给两家公司旷日持久的专利纷争画上了一个句号.



5。复出(1995年至1997年)幸运的是,当约翰拉塞特回到迪士尼与改善脚本的功能薄膜,称为玩具总动员,项目回到正轨。这部电影被释放1995感恩节。随着日期的临近,史蒂夫·乔布斯意识到什么不可思议的力量迪士尼品牌的。他决定要去公共皮克斯后一周上映的玩具故事,兑现了对媒体的炒作周围的第一个电脑动画电影的所有时间。它创造了奇迹:玩具总动员的票房成功,只有超越皮克斯的成功在华尔街。史蒂夫·乔布斯,谁拥有80%的公司,看到他的净资产增加到$ 1500000000 -五倍的钱,他曾在苹果公司在上世纪80年代!说到苹果,果品公司正处于最坏的一年。后释放95,苹果电脑,它已经有利可图,但没有演变为一个十年而史蒂夫·乔布斯离开后,开始失去市场份额以惊人的速度。由1996,公司的新任首席执行官,吉尔·阿梅里奥,是寻找新的软件代替了旧的和臃肿的操作系统。他最终选择了史提夫的下一步。苹果400000000美元收购之后,史提夫回到公司,把他十年前。他的正式头衔是「非正式顾问首席执行官。”但当他宣布苹果公司的损失为700000000美元,第一季度1997,董事会决定是时候摆脱这种可怕的经理。史蒂夫·乔布斯组织了一个委员会政变被任命为临时首席执行官的苹果在七月1997。他立即开始广泛审查了整个公司,削减一些项目从数百十几个。硬件的数量会减少到四。他还提出了一个令人震惊的消息在Mac world波士顿在8月:苹果将联手与它的主要竞争对手微软,在一个前所未有的交易,将结束无休止的专利纠纷。




释放Windows 95,Mac,把有利可图,但没有进化
一打。五金产品的数量将下降减少到只有四个。他也做了一个令人震惊的宣布Macworld 8月份在波士顿:苹果将能以其对手微软,在一次前所未有的协议,将结束无休止的专利纠纷。


英语翻译5.Comeback (1995-97)Fortunately,as John Lasseter came back to Disney with an improved script for the featurefilm,called Toy Story,the project got back on track.The movie was to be released for Thanksgiving 1995.As the date approached,Stev If only you comeback是什么意思 韩国艺人的comeback是什么 求首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词中有句好像是comeback comeback comeback to me in life不是宇多田的噢, I been hoping you comeback to me 英语翻译Jordan caught the Nets’ defense sleeping and blew past Donny Marshall and screen for a simple one-handed jam.He scored 16 of 20 Wizard points during the stretch,making the first dunk of his comeback I been hoping you comeback to me这是什么意思啊? 英语语法 what time will your father comeback?对吗? Fourth Quarter Comeback的《You and I》 歌词 When will you comeback这句话对吗?分析下 英语翻译He kept on trying and was rewarded for his hard work.At the 39th Gymnastics world Championships in Denmark,the 26--year--old gymnst surprised the world with a wonderful comeback.Altogether he won three golds!(这里的wonderful ,comebac 英语翻译Winter's citysideCrystal bits of snowflakesAll around my head and in the windI had no illusionsThat I'd ever find a glimpseOf summer's heatwaves in your eyesYou did what you did to meNow it's history I seeHere's my comeback on the road ag 英语翻译第1篇1.be famous for2.be famous as3.have courage to do4.in one’s life5.lead sb.to sp.lead to n.lead to do6.break,beat,set the record 7.the way to success 8.go well9.lance faced it head-on10.make a comeback.He trained hard and led the 英语翻译I didnt understand.I want just to know different person?I will stay here for around 1 year.But,I will go back to Brazil for 15 days and after I comeback again.But Im find a good girl,independ what country.But its ok.I like you with just m Do you know when-----?Next yearA will she come back B she will comeback Baby comeback I know you still love me (中文翻译给我 侠盗猎车中 you cannot buy the malibu at this time.comeback later 卖房子的时候! We are going on now life tomorrow.I will tell you when comeback.