关于定语从句.什么时候用WHEN 和WHERE 希望有例题

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关于定语从句.什么时候用WHEN 和WHERE 希望有例题
关于定语从句.什么时候用WHEN 和WHERE 希望有例题

关于定语从句.什么时候用WHEN 和WHERE 希望有例题
您有一个关键点没有理解.那就是when .where在从句中当什么成份.
如:This is the factory (that/which) I visited last year.此句中就不能用where了.因为它所指的
先行词factory在从句I visited 中做了visited的宾语.能做宾语的指物的关系代词有that,which,/
而:This is the factory where I worked last year.此句中只能用where(in which).因为它所指的先
行词factory在从句I worked 中做了地点状语.
Those are the days (that/which) I still remember.此句的先行词days虽是表时间的名词,可是它
Those are the days when I studied in Fance.此句的先行词days 在从句I studied in Fance中做
换言之,要看从句中的成份缺什么,缺主,宾.就用关系代词who ,that,which,/,as
缺状语,就用when ,where,how

定语从句就是句子中的定语成分,when是指时间,修饰time等词,如果看到前边是the time 后边肯定是when,如果从句中有了地点,也是用when,反过来,有了时间,就用where。比如:she was singing___I saw her at home.这里就要填when

1. Did you find the notebook ______ Jim had given me for my birthday?
A. who B. whom C. which D...


1. Did you find the notebook ______ Jim had given me for my birthday?
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
2. That's all ______ I have seen and heard.
A. which B. that C. where D. what
3. Have you seen the man ______ plan we were talking about ______ yesterday ?
A. who, them B. its, them C. whose,/ D. whose, them
4.The Oscar is one of the film prizes ______ offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far.
A. which are not B. that have not been C. that has not D. that has not been
5. He never reads anything ______ is not worth reading.
A. that B. as C. who D. which
6. The man ________ coat is black is waiting at the gate.
A. who's B. whose C. that D. of which
7. _________ cleans the classroom can go home first.
A. Anyone B. those whoo C. However D. The one who
8. The police caught the man _______ stole my handbag.
A. he B. that C. whom D. which
9. The girl ________ is reading under the tree ________ my sister.
A. which, is B. whom, was C. who , is D. who, was
10. George Mallory was an English teacher _______ loved climbing.
A. who B. whom C. he D. which
1-5 CDCBA 6-10 BDBCA


关于定语从句.什么时候用WHEN 和WHERE 希望有例题 非限制性定语从句,都是表时间,什么时候用which,什么时候用when?都是表地点,什么时候用which,什么时候用where?并给出 很相近 的例句.我要的不是when=in which 而是什么情况用which和什么情况用when wh 在定语从句中何时用:介词+wh.型式? 定语从句的引导词什么时候用which什么时候用where?当定语从句是关于某地点时, 关于初中定语从句的问题什么时候定语从句引导词一定要用that;什么时候不能用that? 关于定语从句中the one 和that用法定语从句中以上两词在什么时候用啊?有什么区别?请举例子 定语从句,及物动词和不及物动词的用法是定语从句的 ..什么时候改用 什么时候不该用..好的+分 定语从句where when 等.定语从句where when 等 什么时候用?和which that 引导的有什么区别?不要老说什么 主语,谓语什么宾语的,词语,我不懂的! 例如定语从句中,place,room,point,situation,condition的先行词是when~定语从句中还有没有什么先行词要固定的用wh-引导(when什么的) 定语从句中,什么时候能用 that替代 when、where? 定语从句什么时候不能用that只能用when,which. 关于初三 定语从句的问题想知道who whom whose which where when分别什么时候用最好不要复制啊 复制的我看不懂 ~ ~ 关于从句 什么是宾语从句、状语从句和定语从句? occasion为先行词的定语从句的什么时候用when,什么时候用where?还有,从现在完成时态和一般过去...occasion为先行词的定语从句的什么时候用when,什么时候用where?还有,从现在完成时态和一般过去时 当occasion为先行词的时候,定语从句的关系词什么时候用when,什么时候用where? 关于the way 的定语从句which 和 in which 分别在什么时候使用 定语从句中,什么时候用介词+which? 定语从句中什么时候用that,which