英语句子结构不明白1.in some countries,peopel there regard swans as a symbol of good luck.为什么要加一个there呢?它在这里充当的什么成分?可以省去吗?2.have been 后面只能加doing形式吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 22:02:31

英语句子结构不明白1.in some countries,peopel there regard swans as a symbol of good luck.为什么要加一个there呢?它在这里充当的什么成分?可以省去吗?2.have been 后面只能加doing形式吗?
1.in some countries,peopel there regard swans as a symbol of good luck.为什么要加一个there呢?它在这里充当的什么成分?可以省去吗?
2.have been 后面只能加doing形式吗?

英语句子结构不明白1.in some countries,peopel there regard swans as a symbol of good luck.为什么要加一个there呢?它在这里充当的什么成分?可以省去吗?2.have been 后面只能加doing形式吗?
there可以省略 翻译成那里的 充当定语
2,不是的,have been done也可以的,作为被动结构

1,可以省略 翻译成那里的人 充当定语 2,不是可以加ed形式,作为被动结构

英语句子结构不明白1.in some countries,peopel there regard swans as a symbol of good luck.为什么要加一个there呢?它在这里充当的什么成分?可以省去吗?2.have been 后面只能加doing形式吗? 句子分析:四选一.如下:1.they believe ——their duty to look after the morals of those who live in poverty.A.that B.this C.it D.whatC.虽然我用排除法做的也是C,但是不明白为什么,it做形式宾语?句子结构无法理解, 英语大神帮我分析下这英语句子的结构吧这句话里的废话我不打了,只打主体和我不明白的During this period,researchers from XXX interviewed nearly 3000 women,some of whom had learnt to read as children,some during the li 什么是英语句子结构 英语句子结构划分 英语中的句子结构 求分析几个英语句子的句子成分orz...1.He is interested in music.是什么结构?主系表?in music是表语补足语还是别的神马?2.Some of the students in the school want to go swimming,how about you?宾语是to go swimming,乃不 英语句子结构分析 什么是主系表结构 英语句子结构 英语句子结构分析 什么是主系表结构 英语句子结构 为下列英语句子改错1.give they some books.2.those apples is not Lity's3.there is not some milk in the bottle 英语句子结构划分such work is of particular relevance in helpiing developing countries to better understand and participate in process.1.该段句子结构如何划分?主语:such work 谓语:is 宾语:relevance 定语:of particular 状语:in it's been found in laboratory testing that some types of oils are really bad for us.的句子结构 一个英语句子结构的分析What some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.此句子结构混乱,请高手分析 六级英语句子分析Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive,some colleges are doling out phones to students.1.分析一下句子结构 .2.为什么要后置?3.翻译一下句子 一个英语句子不明白,请教大师He wants to read some books to amuse himself with.请问为什么要加一个with 这个英语句子对不对In some busy streets are alao some cars which don't respect the triffic rules. 我不明白反身代词以下是几个句子 我不但不明白反身代词 请教英语好的人 1.let us enjoy ourselves.2.help yourself to some beer.3,the girls were so excited that they were not themselves.4,these little things are not important 麻烦分析下英语句子结构1 she used to visit the poor peopel.2 she wrote to some important peopel.3 she worked in them herself and learnd all she could.先麻烦分析一下这三个句子的主谓宾定状补的结构.然后书上说第一