这句英语表达是不是感觉有些中国式?I now very much regret this cheating,I know doing this is wrong,so after the competition I have seriously questioned my behavior.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:43:31

这句英语表达是不是感觉有些中国式?I now very much regret this cheating,I know doing this is wrong,so after the competition I have seriously questioned my behavior.
I now very much regret this cheating,I know doing this is wrong,so after the competition I have seriously questioned my behavior.

这句英语表达是不是感觉有些中国式?I now very much regret this cheating,I know doing this is wrong,so after the competition I have seriously questioned my behavior.
I regret very much for this cheating now,I know i was wrong,so after the competition I questioned my behavior seriously.

i now regret cheating in the competition very much.
i know cheating in competition is wrong,so i seriously questioned my hehavior after the competition

I am very regret for the cheating.I know it's wrong to do so.After the competetion I questioned my behavior a lot.

Now regret this cheating, I know it is not good, so in the game, I have serious challenge my behavior

这句英语表达是不是感觉有些中国式?I now very much regret this cheating,I know doing this is wrong,so after the competition I have seriously questioned my behavior. 有心无力英语怎么说?就是表达心有余而力不足的感觉 英语怎么说呢 有些事 总感觉有心无力`这句话的英语 I can speak english very well有没有语法毛病I can speak english very well这句话有没有什么毛病呀,是不是什么中国式的英语 请各位大虾不吝指教:井号#用英语怎么表达?是pound sign吗?well number是不是中国式用法? 英语翻译我会等你回来这句怎么翻译?I will waiting for you come back?这也太中国式英语了… I will be better in three years,I 'm young so I have enough time to change everything.这句话总感觉有点中国式英语,但错在哪始终说不上来.求指教 Play Go是不是中国式英语?在相声上听到的,是中国式英语?还是标准的? 英语沙龙怎么样,是不是中国式英语,英式?美式 这是中国式英语?-----Please open the light for me那怎么用地道英语,表达这句话好呢? I don't never say goodbye for you请问这句英语是不是有语法错误?句子意思是什么?如果有错误,那正确的表达应该怎么说? I don't know you know I know!这句话,错没错我的中国式英语.错没错 古镇英语是怎么写的吗?总感觉old town有点中国式英语的味道 有没有中国式英语?比如用中国人的语言方式表达出来的英语_ 中国式教育英语怎么说? 英语翻译不要中国式英语 英语翻译不是中国式英语 how are your english level?是不是错的?这个是不是中国式英语 You left my memories remaining pair of glasses.这句话是中国式英语嘛?我想表达 你离开了我的回忆只剩下了这副眼镜.