
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 01:11:14


I still remember the first time I heard "The Gift of the Magi" read.There's something about the story that comes off great when it's being told to you -- a certain timelessness,or transcendence.I don't remember if it was before or after I heard "The Ransom of Red Chief"...I know it was before I had read either one.And my mother loved to continue the storytelling,jumping from one story to another.
I'll never forget "The Gift of the Magi" or "Ransom of Red Chief." Both stories were unforgettable,for very different reasons.
Of course,the stories of O.Henry are not unknown.They are studied in classrooms across the country,and they are popular reading material for readers of all ages.
In "O.Henry" (Twayne Publishers),Eugene Current-Garcia says this about "The Gift of the Magi":
It is not surprising that 'The Gift of the Magi' still enjoys such widespread fame,for in this trite little tale of mutual self-sacrifice between husband and wife,O.Henry crystallized dramatically what the world in all its stored-up wisdom knows to be of fundamental value in ordinary family life.Unselfish love shared,regardless of the attendant difficulties or distractions--this is the idea repeatedly implied as a criterion in his fictional treatment of domestic affairs.If such love is present,life can be a great adventure transcending all drabness; if it is absent,nothing else can take its place....O.Henry wrote few stories of ordinary family life that approach in tenderness and universal appeal the qualities found in 'The Gift of the Magi' (116).
Even though many of his stories are popular,O.Henry has been critiqued as a non-literary writer.The charge has been levied against a multitude of writers,some with cause.
In all,O.Henry authored more than 250 stories,of which his most famous contain twists like the one at the end of "The Gift of the Magi." It's almost shocking when we learn that Jim has sold his watch to buy a present for Della,who in turn has sold her hair to buy a chain for him.They both sacrificed what was dearest to them to buy the thing they knew the other would enjoy.O.Henry leaves us with these lines:
The magi,as you know,were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger.They invented the art of giving Christmas presents.Being wise,their gifts were no doubt wise ones,possibly bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication.And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house.But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.O all who give and receive gifts,such as they are wisest.Everywhere they are wisest.They are the magi.
Perhaps the greatest twist of all in all of the stories that O.Henry created is the tale of how he came to write these lively and unforgettable tales...He was born William Sydney Porter in Greensboro,North Carolina.He worked as a bank teller in Austin,Texas,then moved to Houston and became a newspaper columnist.
When he was charged in 1896 for embezzling money from the bank back in Austin,he fled to Honduras for 6 months before he returned to face the charges.He was tried and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
For him,his sentence was the greatest twist of all...In prison,he began writing short stories and took the pen name O.Henry.After his release from prison in 1901,he moved to New York -- the setting for many of his stories.In the next years,until his death in 1910,he created many wonderful stories,including this,his most famous work:"The Gift of the Magi."
Ah,the places we have been...The people we become.

谁有欧亨利小说的评论啊,最好是英文的,评价某一部小说,想警察与赞美诗,或麦其的礼物之类的, 海明威的小说的英文评论 120字左右 亨利八世的成就列举亨利八世界生平的主要成就.最好是英文的 英语翻译我在欧亨利小说的背面看到的 欧亨利小说的特点是什么 易经里面:元亨利贞 是最好的卦吗? 易经里面:元亨利贞 是最好的卦吗? 亨利的英文怎么写 高分求一篇关于最近经济危机的英文文章,最好是有评论的```求一篇关于最近经济危机的 英文 文章,最好是有评论的``` 欧亨利的《最后的常春藤叶》英文最好有英文的梗概中文也要 欧亨利写的《苹果之谜》的英文怎么说呀?最好有英文原文! 红楼梦人物评论最好是未曾评论过的小人物 求莎士比亚名作《亨利八世》的英文故事简介!要非常简单明了,完全是故事,不要有评论,越快越好,急得快死掉了!不要太长,只要能讲2分钟以内就可以了 古文观止好的,有评论的版本最好是古人评还有就是我说的的“评论”,不是众多版本都有的那个题解,古人的话一段也可以算评论,今人的话一段不算评论,要一篇求这样的版本 我想找关于莎士比亚的hamlet的简介,主题,评论(最好是英文的) 跪求一有关超市管理系统的英文文章 1500字左右 最好是评论性质的 欧亨利短篇小说英文简介.简短最好能点出留白的地方爱的牺牲不用了.越多越好. 欧亨利小说英文读后感爱的奉献 最好中英文的