用关系代词who,that,which改写句子 有能做的先跟我说声

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:07:57

用关系代词who,that,which改写句子 有能做的先跟我说声


用关系代词who,that,which改写句子 有能做的先跟我说声
i was moved by the erhu piece,erquan yinyue,which was strangely beautiful
the music was written by abing,which was a famous folk usician in china
abing developed a serious illness,which made him became blind
abing had amazing musical skills,which made him very popular during his lifetime
abing's erquan yingyueis a famous music piece in china,which all the great erhu masters play and praise it

1、I was moved by the erhu piece,Erquan Yingyue which was strangely beautiful.
2、who 修改同上
5、which 去掉尾部it

关系代词如何运用、归类?如:who which that whose 定语从句关系代词who,which,that的区别! 用关系代词who,that,which改写句子 有能做的先跟我说声 在定语从句中出现who或which关系代词是否应该用that? others做先行词,其后的关系代词是用who还是that还是which? a和one的区别?关系代词如何运用?如:who which that whose 关系代词的具体用法比如which、who、whose、where、that、whom什么时候使用具体解释. 造定语从句用上关系代词,who,that,which,并写上汉语 当主语是由which或 who开头的疑问句时关系代词用that为什么用that,不用其他呢 关系代词that who whom whose which 和关系副词where when why的用法如何区分? 定语从句的详细讲解The nurse always comes early.The nurse wears a white jacje是用That Which Who做关系代词 In the dark street ,there wasn't a single person__ __ she could turn for help.用关系代词:who,whom,which,that,whose,when,where,why填空 英语中those做先行词关系代词用什么Those( )are standing under the trees are my parents.A.who B. that C. which D.where what是关系代词吗平时都说是,但是百度百科里说“关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等,绝对没有what ”,是什么回事啊 the knife with which we used to cut things is very sharp1.关系副词相当于介词+关系代词,但是这里本来就应该用关系代词THAT,怎么也改为了介词+关系代词2.怎么确定关系代词前,相应的介词?请多举例 who,which,that,whose和whom的用法这几个关系代词用法有什么区别?请举例! 定语从句中以who what which开头的特殊疑问句关系代词用什么 people作“民族”讲的时候关系代词应该用who还是which?RT