谁可以帮我找一些写英语论文《ON THE FUNCTIONS AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES OF BODY LANGUAGE 不好意思,刚刚没表达清楚,我需要一些别人写过的论文来写文献综述哈!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:32:01

谁可以帮我找一些写英语论文《ON THE FUNCTIONS AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES OF BODY LANGUAGE 不好意思,刚刚没表达清楚,我需要一些别人写过的论文来写文献综述哈!

谁可以帮我找一些写英语论文《ON THE FUNCTIONS AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES OF BODY LANGUAGE 不好意思,刚刚没表达清楚,我需要一些别人写过的论文来写文献综述哈!
google scholar上有data base,输入关键词就可以,先看abstract,合适的话就看全文,文献信息都有.

As we know , people make themselves understood not by words and expressions but by body movements . Once you know the difference between China and western countries in body language , you will follow ...


As we know , people make themselves understood not by words and expressions but by body movements . Once you know the difference between China and western countries in body language , you will follow the customs better and more quickly . Now let me tell you some as follows . First Chinese people don’t like to stand close to their friend when they are talking . And they never touch each other . They don’t kiss each other during say hello and goodbye .But girls like to walk hand in hand (hold their hands ) to show their friendship. Do remember Chinese people have their meals with their chopsticks They think it bad manners to eat using the fingers of your right hand. Besides the Chinese people wouldn’t like their heads to be touched by another person . In China touching the head means that it will bring on bad luck to them .


谁可以帮我找一些写英语论文《ON THE FUNCTIONS AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES OF BODY LANGUAGE 不好意思,刚刚没表达清楚,我需要一些别人写过的论文来写文献综述哈! 请问您能不能帮我修改一下英语论文,导师说我语法和用词错误太多,但是我找不出来.如果可以,我分段将论文发来, 写放飞梦想的作文,帮我找一些好词好句. 帮我找一些写女生宿舍趣闻的文章 帮我找一些化学方程式, 帮我找一些形近字组词 谁有关于友情的哲理?谁可以帮我找一些 谁可以帮我找一些跑操口号、班级口号呀 谁可以帮我找一些有单词和翻译的读音视频 能不能帮我找下民国一些名人的事迹 写作文作为材料可以用的 . 我写商务英语论文啊! 我要写小学英语论文 , 谁帮我找下THE USED的On My Own中文翻译!谢! 描写菜市场热闹的句子恩.最好字多一点,但是不要让我自己找,也可以推荐一些网站,反正,只要帮我写一些, 请问谁可以帮我找一些迎世博、庆奥运、展风采的双语作文啊?请问谁可以帮我找一些迎世博、庆奥运、展风采的双语作文啊?多多益善!越多越好!快帮我找找吧! 中文名和英文名的区别 英语论文首先是要有一段简介 谁可以帮我写下 写中文的就好200~300字 就是介绍取中文名和英文名之间的区别. 帮我找一些关于above on over under below of 的介词填空 请问可以帮我修改英语论文吗?老师说有用词和句式错误.