A rose is rose which by any other name will smell the same.从语言学的角度如何评论这句话?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:47:37

A rose is rose which by any other name will smell the same.从语言学的角度如何评论这句话?
A rose is rose which by any other name will smell the same.从语言学的角度如何评论这句话?

A rose is rose which by any other name will smell the same.从语言学的角度如何评论这句话?
1、【谚】 玫瑰易名,馨香如故
3、莎士比亚的一首十四行诗“a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”,本意是"玫瑰不管叫什么名字都能表达我的爱慕之心"现在常被引用在英语语言学上,证明索绪尔的语言的“任意性”这一语言特性.