
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:36:12


If he asked me how to exercise,when I told him,he does not understand that I will be patient as he said once again.

If he asked me how to do execises,but after I told him,he didn't understand yet,I'll tell him again patiently.

If he asked how I do exercise, when I tell him, he was not still clear, I met the patience to say one time again for him

When he asked me how to practice but when I told him he still do not understand then I will told him patiently again.

If he asked me how to do execises,but after I told him,he didn't understand till, I will be patient ,tell him again.

if he ask me how I exerice and there is some not clear to him,I will patiently teach him again.

If he asked me how to exercise, but when I told him, he still didn't understand, I say again for his patience.

If he couldn't understant what I had told him about how to exercise, I would explain to him one more time in patiently.

英语翻译“如果他问我如何锻炼,可当我告诉他之后,我会耐心再为他说一次.”怎么翻译啊 英语翻译如果你告诉你父亲你所做的一切,他将会非常生气(more than)他的健康状况自从他开始每天做早锻炼起有了明显改善(improve)如果有任何事我可以为你做的,请别客气和我们联系(hesi 英语翻译哪位大哥大姐帮我用英语翻译下段话,因为打麻将汪洋生病了,在住院的时候他非常坚定的告诉自己以后一定要锻炼,可没过多久他又打上了. 我弟弟身体很弱是因为他缺乏锻炼用用英语翻译 英语翻译当我去找我的堂兄时,他正在找东西.我问他你在找什么,他非常紧张,没有告诉我.我跟他说我们去看电影吧,他告诉我他的门票找不到了.我笑了.我告诉他,你的门票不是在我这吗? 英语翻译我给客户写信的时候,出于礼貌里面告诉他,如果有空,我欢迎来中国.他给我回信问我什么意思,他说已经多次来中国了,今年不需要去了.我给他回信,想告诉他:你误解我的意思了,其实 现在我告诉你我喜欢他的原因 英语翻译 英语翻译英语翻译1.当我上公共汽车时,我滑了一下,撞伤了我的脚2.工人们正在我的房子外面修一条新路3.琼斯先生告诉过他的夫人,她刚刚完成工作4.如果你见到他,你能别告诉她那件事吗?5.如 如何锻炼自己独立思考的能力我指的是一个人在社会上工作 如果锻炼自己的独立思考能力 当“我”把匿名信事件告诉藤野先生时,他的态度如何?选自《藤野先生》一文 我弟弟身体很弱是因为他缺乏锻炼用用英语翻译啊 我20岁想锻炼一下肌肉,想问一下锻炼后吃肌酸还是在锻炼前吃肌酸? 当我看见她,我将告诉她这件事 英语翻译 我可以告诉他吗?用英语翻译一下 英语翻译我不得不告诉他真相,(反意疑问句) 英语翻译昨天我确实告诉了他这个消息了. 我每天锻炼一个小时.英语翻译. 我每周锻炼三次用英语翻译