all out of love-空中加油站 英文介绍

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all out of love-空中加油站 英文介绍
all out of love-空中加油站 英文介绍

all out of love-空中加油站 英文介绍
Air Supply有着近30年音乐路程,《lost in love》和《All Out of Love》是其最经典的歌曲.几乎每首歌都曾在欧美各大流行音乐排行榜上占据过伟大的位置.情感纯粹、音乐简洁、旋律抒情优美是Air Supply最大的特点.因为纯净,所以强烈直击人心.在渴望简洁的今天,全世界又掀起Air Supply的热潮.Air Supply天使般纯净而激情的歌声,已经成为我们内心最深处的风景,与我们的生命同行.歌声响起,如烟往事穿越时空,穿越身边的声嚣光影、车水马龙,为我们筑起一道屏风,牵手的日子,恋人的微笑...Air Supply总能解脱我们,带我们到一个单纯、圣洁的爱的世界.
在加入 arista 唱片公司之后,乐队在排行榜上取得了成功.推出的单曲《lost in love》在 1980 年一经进入美国市场就立刻造成了轰动,成为当年排行榜第 3 名,并在此后几年一直稳居排行榜前5名.单曲《the one that you love》也问鼎排行榜,成为金唱片.《all out of love》在 1980 年 9 月排名第 11,成为在英国销量最大的单曲.进入美国专辑排行榜的《lost in love》(1980)、《the one that you love》(1981)和《now and forever》(1982)都成为金唱片和白金唱片.
Air Supply has nearly 30 years of musical journey,"lost in love" and "All Out of Love" is the most classic songs.Almost every song had major pop music charts in Europe and the United States had occupied a great position.Pure emotion,music,simple,lyrical melody and beautiful is the greatest feature of Air Supply.Because pure,so strong Zhiji people.Yearning for simplicity in the world today have sparked off a wave of Air Supply.Air Supply angelic purity and passion of the singing,has become our innermost landscape,and our life counterparts.This song,smoke past through time and space,through the voice of clamor around lighting,busy for us to build a screen,hand of the day,lovers smile ...Air Supply always escape us,took us to a simple ,holy love of the world.
Arista record company,after joining the band success in the rankings.Released single "lost in love" in 1980,one immediately upon entering the caused a sensation,becoming the No.3 rating,and in the following years has consistently ranked in the Top 5.Single,"the one that you love" has aspirations to list,become a gold record."All out of love" in September 1980 ranked No.11,becoming the biggest selling singles in the UK.Entering the U.S.album charts "lost in love" (1980),"the one that you love" (1981),and "now and forever" (1982) have become the gold and platinum.


All out of love,
----------air supply
i'm lying alone with my head on the phone
thinking of you till it hurts
i know you hurt too but what else can we do


All out of love,
----------air supply
i'm lying alone with my head on the phone
thinking of you till it hurts
i know you hurt too but what else can we do
tormented and torn part
i wish i could carry your smile in my heart
for times when my life seems so low
it would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
when today doesn't really know
doesn't really know
i'm all out of love
i'm so lost without you
i know you were right
believing for so long
i'm all out of love
what am i without you
i can't be too late
to say that i was so wrong
i want you to come back and carry me home
away from these long lonely nights
i'm reaching for you
are you feeling it too
does the feeling seem oh so right
and what would you say
if i called on you now
and said that i can't hold on
there's no easy way it gets harder each day
please love me or i'll be gone
i'll be gone
i'm all out of love
i'm so lost without you
i know you were right
believing for so long
i'm all out of love
what am i without you
i can't be too late
to say that i was so wrong
ah what are you thinking of
what are you thinking of
what are you thinking of
what are you thinking o.................f
i'm all out of love
i'm so lost without you
i know you were right
believing for so long
i'm all out of love
what am i without you
i can't be too late
i know i was so wrong
i'm all out of love
i'm so lost without you
i know you were right
believing for so long
i'm all out of love
what am i without you
i can't be too late
i know i was so wrong
i'm all out of love
i'm so lost without you
i know you were right
believing for so long
i'm all out of love
what am i without you
i can't be too late
to say that i was so wrong
i'm all out of love


与爱无关 或者 与爱绝缘