
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 18:38:45


i want to make some foreign friends to strengthen my English or others,by the way ,at the same time ,so dose it help them to improve Chinese .please feel free to add me if you are interested.

I want to come across some friends in order to strengthen my English and at the same time, help foreigners learn Chinese.People who are interested in this please contact me. I love making friends and there is no different in friends.

I want to make foreign friends to strengthen my English or learn other foreign languages. I can help foreigners to learn Chinese in return. If you are interested, please contact and write to me.(The friendship does not have the national boundary)

I want to make some foreign friends,who can help me inprove my English or other languages,also I'd like to help you with your Chinese learning.Please add me if you have interest(no borders for friends).

In order to strengthen my English and to learn some other languages, I want to make friends with some foreign friends while at the same time you can learn Chinese from me,please add me if you are interested in!(Distance doesn't hinder friendship)

I'd like to meet some foreign friends to help me improve my English or learn other languages, while I can help you with your Chinese in return. If interested, please add me to your contact list. (Friends without Borders)
医生无国界叫做“Doctors without Borders”

英语翻译我想结交一些外国朋友,强化英文或学其他语言,同时也可帮助外国朋友强化中文,有兴趣的朋友请加我(朋友无国界) 我想结交外国朋友 练习英语口语 在北京 有没有便捷的途径或方法 我想结交外国朋友提高我的英语水平,了解他们的风俗习惯,可以请大家给我推荐一些聊天工具 我想结交个外国朋友,增近口语.互相促进中文和英文,最好是女生,本人是女生 结交朋友,英语翻译 我想结交一些外国朋友,请各位帮个忙.最好是上海的.可以锻炼英语口语,因为我本人也在上海. 他们打算去外国度假 .或许他们下学期会结交许多朋友 .英文 用英语翻译参加夏令营的目的是:结交朋友,了解外国文化. 结交新朋友英文怎么说 结交新朋友的英文 结交新朋友的英文 她爱好结交朋友.英语翻译 想认识一些外国的朋友呵呵,就是想结交一些外国的朋友,了解一下彼此国家的风土人情等等本人是天津人,呵呵,希望能与更多大外国友人结交 本人英语高中水平,工作为中医,想结交一些外国朋友练习口语,有人感兴趣吗? 英语翻译我想去美国体验不同的文化.感受美国家庭与中国家庭的不同.学习很多在中国学不到的东西.结交许多外国朋友.提高我的英语口语和写作技能. 肿么快速提高英语,求外国朋友或英文好的朋友我是威海一名高中生,个人没什么恒心,需要强力监督,英语很烂,单词背不下来,语法更是不行,希望改变现状.希望结交外国朋友或者英文好的学长 我喜欢结交外国朋友用英语怎么说 上海哪些地方可以结交外国朋友,锻炼英语口语?