这句话里的she didn't buy it "this is a man's world ,sweetie,and the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be."Drew Faust recalls her mother telling her that when she was young.she did't buy it我理解的大概意思是这样的:当她

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:38:05

这句话里的she didn't buy it "this is a man's world ,sweetie,and the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be."Drew Faust recalls her mother telling her that when she was young.she did't buy it我理解的大概意思是这样的:当她
这句话里的she didn't buy it
"this is a man's world ,sweetie,and the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be."Drew Faust recalls her mother telling her that when she was young.she did't buy it
这里面的and the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be这句是如何翻译,
还有最后she did't buy it 是不理会的意思吗?

这句话里的she didn't buy it "this is a man's world ,sweetie,and the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be."Drew Faust recalls her mother telling her that when she was young.she did't buy it我理解的大概意思是这样的:当她
the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be
she did't buy it 就是不理会的意思,对“the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be”这种说法不认同,抱着不屑的态度

buy的意思: 【俚语】接受;同意;相信
better off:景况较佳;更有余裕

1.and the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be这句话你的理解是正确的.
2.she did't buy it你的理解也是正确的,俗话就是"不买帐",也就是她没有听她妈妈的话.


这句话里的she didn't buy it this is a man's world ,sweetie,and the sooner you learn that ,the better off you 'll be.Drew Faust recalls her mother telling her that when she was young.she did't buy it我理解的大概意思是这样的:当她 (1)we mustn't buy things we (don't need)和No,I (needn't )这两个可以互换吗?为什么.(2)she didn't have to find them .They found her 这里的didn't have to 和needn't have 互换吧.那这句话的言外之意是什么.是她 It was because of her illness which she didn't attend the class.这句话里为什么用which社错误的? the dress cost so much that she didn't buy it的同义句是什么the dress cost so much that she didn't buy it改为:the dress cost___ much for her ___ buy l didn't buy the book,这句话怎么改被动语态? She didn't have enough money to buy the dictionaShe didn't have enough money to buy the dictionary. she didn't attend the meeting because she wanted to 这句话怎么翻译, she didn't buy any apples._________,she bought some oranges.(lnstead,lnstead of) At first,she didn't know which one to buy,but finally she the blue one 英语的翻译疑问句she failed the exam 这句话后用didn't she 还是did she用Neither did she还是So did she 那么she never goes to school呢? she didn`t ____a souvenir.she ____ a bag 1.buy,buy 2.buy,bought 3.bought,buy 4.bought,bought she didn’t ask me to go do it with her in the vault.这句话的go 后面能加to吗 变成she didn’t ask me to go to do it with her in the vault 为什么 She didn't mind working and she didn't care about the honours that were given in her later years .麻烦翻译这句话. She didn't invite me have dinner with them.这句话哪有错?请改正! She didn't keep any his letters.这句话有语法错误吗?为什么要加of? 定语从句he didn't like the way she talked 这句话 写完整 怎么转换? She didn't like the sound of the gallery bit.这句话中gallery bit ( ),she didn't catch the( ),she didn't catch the school bus this morning. 括号里填lucky的适当形式