求各位高手帮忙提供些英语告示或指示牌,如"NO PARKING"等,万谢可以是应用于各种情景下的指示牌,最好是交通方面的,其他亦可.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:12:13

求各位高手帮忙提供些英语告示或指示牌,如"NO PARKING"等,万谢可以是应用于各种情景下的指示牌,最好是交通方面的,其他亦可.
求各位高手帮忙提供些英语告示或指示牌,如"NO PARKING"等,万谢

求各位高手帮忙提供些英语告示或指示牌,如"NO PARKING"等,万谢可以是应用于各种情景下的指示牌,最好是交通方面的,其他亦可.
Central heating throughout.中央暖气全部开放
Children and senior citizens free 儿童与老人免费
Do not enter,alarm operating装有警报,禁止入内.
Please keep off the grass.不要践踏草地.
Do not obstruct or chain cycles to the railings 请不要把自行车靠到或锁到栏杆上.
Do not put (place) bicycles against the railings 请不要把自行车靠到栏杆上.
Do not use this lift as a means of escape in the event of fire 遇火警时,严禁使用此电梯
Dog waste only 只存放狗的粪便
Fire construction points to note 注意消防设施
Fire door,keep shut 消防门房,保持关闭
Fire escape to be clear of obstruction.安全出口,保持通畅
Fire escape,asked to be cleared off obstruction.安全出口,请保持通畅
Fire escape,keep clear 安全出口,保持通畅
Fire exit only 仅作火警安全出口
Footpath closed.步行路关闭
For public use 公用
Free of charge 免费
Fully air conditioned 空调全面开放
Gates in use night & day 此门昼夜使用
Gents 男厕
Lavatories 厕所
Leave by entrance door 请不要堵住门口
man's lavatory 男厕所
Men 男厕
No admittance 禁止入内
No bathing,fishing allowed in this pond 此池塘禁止游泳,垂钓
No bicycles,police will remove 禁止停放自行车,否则警察拖走.
No charge 不收费
No entry for general public 公众不得入内
No unauthorized access prohibited,未经许可,禁止入内.
No unauthorized entry未经许可,不得入内
No way out 无出口
Non-smokers only.仅供非吸烟者
Obstruction of the door can be dangerous.门口堵塞,危险
Open all year daily 全年每天开放
Open all year round/ Open all year 全年开放
Open daily 每天开放
Open to the public on selected days only 仅限规定的日期,对公众开放.
Opening hours:开放/开门/营业时间:
Particulars of membership 会员优先
Pick pockets operate in this area 本区域内注意小偷
Please do not chain bicycles to these railings 请不要把自行车锁到栏杆上.
Please do not lean on these barriers 请不要靠防护栏.
Please do not leave rubbish here 请不要在此倒垃圾.
Please do not obstruct entrance 请不要堵住入口.
Please feel free to smoke in the lounge.休息室允许吸烟
Please keep clear of the door 请保持门口畅通.
Please telephone for opening times and admission charges 打电话询问开放时间和门票价格.
Please use other doors 请走其它门
Please use yours with consideration for others.请在你使用时,也为别人着想.
Police notice:bicycles will be removed 警察特别提示:自行车将被清走.
Private function only 只供私人使用
Public toilet 公厕
Unauthorized posters and advertisements will be persecuted 未经允许,禁止张贴广告,否则追究责任.
Under repair,do not operate 正在修理,不能使用.
Use of emergency alarm 用于报警
Useful numbers:常用电话号码
Waiting room and ladies 女厕
Way out 出口
woman's lavatory 女厕所

Car park front and rear.前后停车
Guest's car park 来客停车场
Limited parking 停车位有限
No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。
No parking except for loading. 除装货外,禁止停车。
No parking in front of...


Car park front and rear.前后停车
Guest's car park 来客停车场
Limited parking 停车位有限
No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。
No parking except for loading. 除装货外,禁止停车。
No parking in front of this gate 门前禁止停车
No parking in use 24 hours a day 此处24小时使用,禁止停车。
No parking or materials in front of doors 门前不准停车或堆放杂物。
Parking for taxis only 只准许出租停。
Parking permitted 允许停车
Please do not park in front of the barrier 请不要在护拦前停车。
Please do not park. Garage in use. 车库使用,门前请不要停车。
Please ensure that you have paid and display 请确保已买票并张贴。
Rent a car and go as you please 租辆车想去哪就去哪。
Strictly no parking 严禁停车
This is a pay and display car park 此停车场自动交费并张贴票据。
VIP car park 贵宾停车场
You will be required to leave a deposit when you pick up the car.
Bus and Coach 公共汽车和长途汽车
Bus information 公共汽车问讯处
Bus lane 公共汽车道
Bus stand 公共汽车停车处
Double deck buses 双层公共汽车
End of bus lane 公共汽车道结束
In case of fire, stay in vehicle 如遇火警,请呆在车内。
Keep your belongings with you at all times 随时照看好你的物品
The light indicates the door is not secured. 指示灯亮显示门未关好。
This coach is for holders of full fare. 本长途汽车专为持全程票者乘坐。
When the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver 汽车行使中,严禁与司机交谈。
With permission, but at owner's risk 允许存放,但后果自负。


Car park front and rear.前后停车
Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走
Guest's car park 来客停车场
Limited parking 停车位有限
No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。...


Car park front and rear.前后停车
Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走
Guest's car park 来客停车场
Limited parking 停车位有限
No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。
No parking except for loading. 除装货外,禁止停车。
No parking in front of this gate 门前禁止停车
No parking in use 24 hours a day 此处24小时使用,禁止停车。
No parking or materials in front of doors 门前不准停车或堆放杂物。
Parking for taxis only 只准许出租停。
Parking permitted 允许停车
Please do not park in front of the barrier 请不要在护拦前停车。
Please do not park. Garage in use. 车库使用,门前请不要停车。
Please ensure that you have paid and display 请确保已买票并张贴。
Rent a car and go as you please 租辆车想去哪就去哪。
Strictly no parking 严禁停车
This is a pay and display car park 此停车场自动交费并张贴票据。
VIP car park 贵宾停车场
You will be required to leave a deposit when you pick up the car.
Bus and Coach 公共汽车和长途汽车
Bus information 公共汽车问讯处
Bus lane 公共汽车道
Bus stand 公共汽车停车处
Double deck buses 双层公共汽车
End of bus lane 公共汽车道结束
In case of fire, stay in vehicle 如遇火警,请呆在车内。
Keep your belongings with you at all times 随时照看好你的物品
The light indicates the door is not secured. 指示灯亮显示门未关好。
These seats are meant for elderly and handicapped persons & women with child. 老人,残疾人及抱小孩的妇女专座。
This coach is for holders of full fare. 本长途汽车专为持全程票者乘坐。
When the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver 汽车行使中,严禁与司机交谈。
With permission, but at owner's risk 允许存放,但后果自负。
回答者:ep7370 - 举人 四级 7-19 17:20
校长室 Headmaster’s office/study
接待室 Reception Room
广播室 Radio Station
语音室 Language Lab
微机室 Computer Lab
实验室 Laboratory
舞蹈房 Dancing Room
美术室 Painting Room
阅览室 Reading Room
图书馆 Library
阶梯教室 Amphitheater
总务处 Office of General Services
教务处 Office of Educational Administration
资料库 Data Base
请节约用水 Save water, please!
爱护花草 Care plants.
靠右走 Right Side
安静 Silence !
请及时归还 Return in time!
禁止吸烟 No smoking!
不要随地扔东西 Don’t litter the floor!
食堂处: Save food, please.
水池处: Save water, please.
花坛处: Protect flowers.
Don’t wake me up.
校园景点处:Life is beautiful.
Keep our school clean and tidy.
校园英语角:Welcome to our English Corner.
楼梯转弯处:Down first, up second.
Be careful.
Keep right. Be polite.
阅览室: Books are our best friends.
Love your books here.
校园横幅: Welcome back to our school.
活到老,学到老. Live and learn.
贪多必失. All cover, all lost.
生活是可爱的. Life is sweet.
骄傲必败. Pride goes before a fall.
昨日不复来. No one can call back yesterday.
天下无难事,只怕有心人. It is dogged that does it.
读书如蜜蜂采花. Use a book as a bee does flowers.
光阴一去不复返. All time is no time when it is past.
万事开头难. It is the first step that costs.
良好的开端是成功的一半. Well begun is half done.
熟能生巧. Practice makes perfect.
人生有限,学问无涯. Art is long, but life is short.
有志者,事竟成. Where there is will, there is a way.
患难见真情. A friend in need in a friend indeed.
知识源于勤奋. Knowledge comes from diligence.
落后须奋进. Far behind must follow the faster.
不劳则不获. No pains, No gains.
做事不可半途而费. Never do things by halves.
学无止境. There is no ending to learning.
独木不成林. One tree cannot make a wood.
只会用功不会玩,聪明的孩子也变傻. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
人人为我,我为人人. All for me, one for all.
时间就是金钱. Time is money.
人应为生而食,不应为食而生. One should eat to live, not live to eat.
时间就是生命. Time is life.
思考就是明白. To think is to see.
没有汗水,没有幸福. No sweet without sweat.
行动胜于空谈. Deeds, not words.
个人力量,微不足道. One man, no man.
常用的钥匙不生锈. The used key is always bright.
工作时工作,娱乐是娱乐. Work while you work, play while you play.
生活是绘画,不是做算术. Life is painting, a picture, not doing a sum.
天生我才必有用. All things in their being are good for something.
痛苦过去即快乐. Pain past is pleasure.
学习趁年少,而且要学好. Learn young, learn fair.
光阴似箭. Time fl


求各位高手帮忙提供些英语告示或指示牌,如NO PARKING等,万谢可以是应用于各种情景下的指示牌,最好是交通方面的,其他亦可. 求各位英文高手帮忙 请各位英语高手帮忙填空 急……急求请各位高手帮忙提供高一到高三大纲要求的英语单词.急……急求各位高手帮忙提供高一到高三大纲要求的英语单词.小弟自当感激不尽,毕生难忘……谢谢!请各位大吓帮忙提供一 求问Eurosiberian这个词的意思,还请各位英语高手帮忙,谢谢啦 指示牌 英语怎么说 英语高手进,求高手帮忙按图写一篇英语作文. 向各位英语高手求关于Computer game 的英语短文,如题,求关于Computer game 的英语短文,要求写的是议论文,如不嫌麻烦我还想求一篇英语的投诉信和邀请函``请各位高手帮忙``请大家不要复制别人的 “对等套用”用英语怎么说啊,帮忙,谢谢各位高手 大家难得聚在一起 英语在线翻译多谢各位高手帮忙 求英语高手帮忙翻译个人简历 【高手进】求帮忙一篇英语作文 求高手帮忙写一片英语作文 以我想得到一本书为题 写作文,怎么些啊,求各位高手帮忙 以我想得到一本书为题 写作文,怎么些啊,求各位高手帮忙 教科版 六年级上册英语单词, 求各位高手帮忙 英语告示牌书写要求是什么?求英语告示牌书写要求.哪些词要大写? 请教各位英语高手,配送或配送员的英文翻译!