总结这篇新闻! 用英文! 大约在100-200字左右! 内容包括what, why, who when, where, how!OTTAWA — One in five Canadian high-school students consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks, a new national survey has found.The consumption of th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 10:33:56

总结这篇新闻! 用英文! 大约在100-200字左右! 内容包括what, why, who when, where, how!OTTAWA — One in five Canadian high-school students consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks, a new national survey has found.The consumption of th
总结这篇新闻! 用英文! 大约在100-200字左右! 内容包括what, why, who when, where, how!
OTTAWA — One in five Canadian high-school students consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks, a new national survey has found.
The consumption of these mixed drinks, characterized by the researchers as “substantial” among high-schoolers, is an emerging public health concern that requires more effective strategies than “top-down, abstinence-based programs,” the study, published Tuesday in CMAJ Open, a new online journal of the Canadian Medical Association, states.
“At the policy level, this may take the form of a flat tax on energy drinks, or a variable tax reflective of caffeine content.”
Schools and community services could also adopt “innovative harm-reduction approaches,” with the help of social media, “to encourage youth not to mix alcohol with energy drinks, without directly focusing on the use of either substance, per se.”
The study added: “School and clinicians need to be aware of the extent of the consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks among Canadian youth and play a major role in educating and directing young people away from this potentially dangerous practice.”
Mixing caffeine, a stimulant, with a depressant like alcohol can mask impairment, and the practice of mixing the two has been associated in other studies with greater risk-taking, higher volumes of alcohol consumption in one sitting and increased risk of injury, the study notes.
The research team from Dalhousie University’s faculty of medicine used the nationally representative sample of over 36,000 students in grades 7 to 12 who participated in the Health Canada-funded Youth Smoking Survey of 2010-11. The survey, which does not include students living on Native reserves, the territories and the province of New Brunswick, asked respondents whether they had consumed mixed or premixed (sold in a bottle or can) alcohol with an energy drink in the past 12 months
Overall, 21.5 per cent of male students and 18.5 per cent of female students reported mixing alcohol with energy drinks, for an average of about 20 per cent.
The study found “considerable” variation among provinces. Students in British Columbia (25.8 per cent) and Nova Scotia (25.6 per cent) reported the highest rates of consumption, followed by Newfoundland and Alberta, both with rates of less than 24 per cent.
Saskatchewan came in at around the national average, while Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island ranged with rates between 19 and 16 per cent.
The consumption of these drinks also varied considerably among certain groups of students, the study found.
For example, mixing alcohol with energy drinks was higher among students who were younger, had used marijuana, were frequently absent from school, were involved in sports and had more spending money.

总结这篇新闻! 用英文! 大约在100-200字左右! 内容包括what, why, who when, where, how!OTTAWA — One in five Canadian high-school students consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks, a new national survey has found.The consumption of th
(WHO,WHEN,WHERE) 调查的时间 内容
The Health Canada-funded Youth Smoking Survey of Nov.,2010 in Canada found that one fifth of Canadian high school students mixed alcohol with energy drinks in past 12 months.The comsumption of mixed drinks is substantial.Overall,21.5 per cent of male students and 18.5 per cent of female
students reported mixing alcohol with energy drinks,for an average of about 20 per cent.
According to research team from Dalhousie University’s faculty of medicine based on the survey,the distribution of these students shows a kind of variation among provinces and certain group of students.Mixing alcohol with energy drinks was higher among students who were younger,had used marijuana,were frequently absent from school,were involved in sports and had more spending money.
This has become an emerging public health concern that requires more effective strategies like flat tax on energy drink or variable tax reflective of caffeine content.School and clinicians should be aware of the extent of the consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks among Canadian youth and play a major role in educating and directing young people away from this potentially dangerous practice.
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总结这篇新闻! 用英文! 大约在100-200字左右! 内容包括what, why, who when, where, how!OTTAWA — One in five Canadian high-school students consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks, a new national survey has found.The consumption of th 2013十篇新闻,每篇新闻要大约100字的评论,速求呀!明天交作业! 浅析民生新闻在新闻传播中的社会责任 把这句话翻译成英文的 “新闻采访”这一个课程用 英文怎么说? 在电视上看新闻英文怎么说 她.带着狗在公园跑步大约半小时.用英文 100!英文新闻视频加原稿大家中秋快乐 我急需一个英文新闻视频外加这个视频的英文原稿 (最好这则新闻讲的是关于中国与日本在钓鱼岛发生的事件) 麻烦大家帮我找找 给个观看链接或者是 英文版钓鱼岛新闻,100词左右. 新闻信息五要素用英文写 求一篇2014年新闻感想我要做作业啊!我写了3篇了,还有一篇不知道怎么写,感想大约在100~150字之间. 最近的新闻,用英文说.最近以后的新闻,英文的. 用英文写一篇暑假计划大约100个单词 十篇新闻日记或在怎么写新闻日记 请问,讨论、总结意见用英文怎么说? 善于总结人生 用英文怎么说?RT 求最近的新闻,100字左右最好是这几天里的一则新闻,一则新闻就够了,要求在100字左右, 英语总结作文是对这一学期英语学习的总结 不需要用英文写 我这次考了92.5分 平时成绩在全班属于中上 500字的 答的好多+分 简短的英文新闻