1.Areas2.About Us3.Attorneys4.ewsletter5.contact US6.Links

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:24:59

1.Areas2.About Us3.Attorneys4.ewsletter5.contact US6.Links
2.About Us
5.contact US

1.Areas2.About Us3.Attorneys4.ewsletter5.contact US6.Links
1.Areas 区域(不同的分类)
2.About Us 关于我们(一般是制作者的介绍)
3.Attorneys 律师(一些法律告示或文件)
4.newsletter 时事通讯
5.contact US 联系我(作者的联系方式)
6.Links 超链接(一些友情链接或有关链接)

1area [简明英汉词典]
n.范围, 区域, 面积, 地区, 空地
2about [简明英汉词典]
adv.附近, 大约, 转向, 左右, 周围
prep.在附近, 关于, 在...周围, 忙于
3attorney [简明英汉词典]
n.<美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理人
4newsletter [简明英汉词典]


1area [简明英汉词典]
n.范围, 区域, 面积, 地区, 空地
2about [简明英汉词典]
adv.附近, 大约, 转向, 左右, 周围
prep.在附近, 关于, 在...周围, 忙于
3attorney [简明英汉词典]
n.<美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理人
4newsletter [简明英汉词典]
5contact [简明英汉词典]
n.接触, 联系
vt.接触, 联系
6links [简明英汉词典]
n.高尔夫球场, 沙丘
n.link的复数, 链接


1.Areas2.About Us3.Attorneys4.ewsletter5.contact US6.Links 1 For the purpose of weather description and weather forecasts ,the country is divided into six ______.A.districts B.zones C.regions D.areas2 He was not an easy grader; we used to complain about his grading standards,usually______.A.against our wish model A:what did they fight about?do you know?---do you know what they fought about?1,where does she live?do you know?2,what can a computer to the scientist told us3,how can i get to the station?could you tell me?4,whose watch is this?does anybody kn 英语翻译哪位能帮我翻译以下:1.complementary methodologic areas2.Holy SNP,Batman!3.label implicatiion4.complementary RNA-based study 从A,B,C,D中找出一个读音不同的选项1.A.bike B.hill C.fine D.licence2.A.his B.six C.bus D.us3.A.look B.goodbye C.boot D.good4.A.how B.now C.know D.down5.A.teacher B.school C.Chinese D.chair 1.Black,__father of __Tom,lost his new watch.A./,/ B.the,the C.the,/ D./,the 2.The teacher asked__students to do homework ourselvesA.the B.his C.some D.us3.The boy was seen __the piano at 9 yesterday evening .A.to play B.play C.playing D.played4.Ther 电工题,我是刚学电工,谢谢高手们的解答1.电路如图1-11所示,若R1=R2=R3=5欧,R4=2.5欧,Us1=Us2=Us3=12V,求A点的电位. 词汇:1.A forest is a_______(small,large) area of trees.2.Animals and plants share the Earth_______(with,without) us3..We use leather for______(make,woollen) belts and shoes.4.—What is it,Kitty?—It’s a_____(wooden,woollen) scarf.5.Birds make 初二英语正确形式填空1.He's _____ (use) a spoon to eat the curry 2.I think you are ______ (happy)than any of us3.I don't think I can eat _____ (neat)4.Look!The students are listening ______ (careful)5.Tony eat the soup _____ (noisily) than t about a 判断下列每组词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写S,不同的写D. A.takes B.books2. A.usually B.us3. A. never B.she4. A.where B.here5. A.van B.fan6. A.coat 求图中电路中A点的电位其中R1=R3=1欧,R2=6欧,R4=2欧,Us1=Us3=6V,Us2=24V. 电路图所示,已知Us1=6V,Us2=8V,Us3=10V,R1=2欧,R2=4欧,计算电流I,电压Uad,Uca,并比较a,c两点的电位Va,Vc 用适当的介词填空 1、 we have lots of nice skirts ( )girls2、They sell books ( )us3/the store has lots of vegetables ( )a very price4、Do you know the girl ( )red? lets talk about a what about a cake? les' talk about a what about ( )a walk