
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:46:20


Taiwan's China airlines passenger crashed in May 2002 odd penghu area,all more than two hundred people were killed,and after Internet rumours that a "voice mail" China airlines ci611 victims.Is voice mail message content the beginning time:"send out,Thursday,5 PM 21 points",is like the cry of up to 10 seconds,after the sound should be a man,but the pronunciation is not clear,can only hear a series of "-wuwuwu.",then is crying for 10 seconds.The last ten seconds went on a very vague male voice,hear "don't,I don't die,don't die here".In a minute,voice cut off automatically.Recording the time,it is on May 30 of this year,China airlines first seven of the victims of the day before.

Taiwan China Aviation airliner crashed off the coast of Penghu in 2002 May, bizarre, over two hundred people are dead, after being on the network for a "China Airlines CI611 victims voicemail". The me...


Taiwan China Aviation airliner crashed off the coast of Penghu in 2002 May, bizarre, over two hundred people are dead, after being on the network for a "China Airlines CI611 victims voicemail". The message is one of the first mail time: "send, Thursday, five twenty-one," after 10 seconds is a crying sound, sounds should be a man, but the pronunciation is not clear, can only hear a series of "blare", then is long 10 seconds of cry. Ten went on a very fuzzymale voice, "don't hear, I don't want to die, do not die here". One minute to automatically cut off, voice. The recording time, is in May 30th this year, which killed the day before yesterday China '.


Taiwan's China Airlines civil aircraft in May 2002 bizarre crash Penghu , two
hundred people died , after a period of rumors on the internet " CAL ci611
victims a voice message ."Content is ...


Taiwan's China Airlines civil aircraft in May 2002 bizarre crash Penghu , two
hundred people died , after a period of rumors on the internet " CAL ci611
victims a voice message ."Content is initially voicemail timekeeping : "Submit ,
Thursday , 5:21 ," is up to 10 seconds after the cries , sounds should be a man,
but the pronunciation is unclear , only to hear a series of "ooo, ooo , " and
then after 10 seconds is a long cry .The last ten seconds went for a very
blurred male voices heard , " No, I do not want to die , do not die here ."One
minute to voice automatically cut off .Recording time, this year May 30 , That
CAL Victims first seven The day before .


英语翻译台湾中华航空民航机在2002年5月离奇坠毁澎湖海域,二百多人全部死亡,之后网络上盛传一段“华航ci611罹难者的语音留言”.留言内容一开始是留言信箱的报时:“送出,星期四,5点21分 学校教务处的赵老师买28支同样的钢笔需要付448元钱照这样计算如果赵老师想买48支钢笔他一共带了800元够吗(比例解)甲乙两城市之间的航空线在1:6000000的地图上长15cm一架民航机从甲城飞往 为什么飞机在飞行时后面往往会有一条白色的烟是那种民航机 199年,台湾发生了大地震英语翻译 台湾是个独立的国家吗?为什么在08奥运上以中华台北的名字出现. 什么是航空信封在邮局能买到航空信封吗? 英语翻译还有啊,台湾在中国东部 Xi! 台湾基隆在台湾什么地方 英语翻译润祥航空旅游有限责任公司 英语翻译我国航空上市公司盈利质量分析! 台湾环保人英语翻译 英语翻译《红色中华》创刊于1931年12月11日,与红色中华通讯社是一个组织机构,两块牌子.《红色中华》是我国在人民政权下创办的第一份中央机关报,初为“中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府机 初二科学题! 送分咯!5月18日台湾首支获准进入四川灾区的搜救队于当天下午3点就可以搭乘华信航空包机,从桃园机场直飞成都,当晚19时10分左右到达双流国际机场.22名成员在抵达灾区后,立即 华夏,中华,九州,台湾,画出不同类的词语 台湾在哪一年回归祖国的? 直升机在高空飞不起来,那为什么普通民航机又能飞到高空呢火箭为什么能在宇宙(真空环境)中飞行呢 水果从台湾运往福建最合理的运输方式 选项是,河运、海运、铁路、航空 宇宙中是否有生物存在?要有理由第一个UFO的报道出现在1947年6月24日,这篇报道说,民航机飞行员肯尼斯·阿诺德在华盛顿州雷尼尔山谷附近搜寻一架莫名其妙失踪飞机的时候,突然发现空中