
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:41:44


Ladies and gentlemen,good afternoon!My English name is***,and my Chinese name is###,I would like to be an assistant here.And I would do my best in everything I need to do.I am a fast worker and I think about the consequence before I do things.i do well in mathmatics and chinese .i trust that i could do it ,and i'm eager for your support.
Thank you!

Everybody afternoon is good, my Chinese name is called ******,My English name is called ******,I want in your here to work as an assistant,I thought I am a good assistant,Because I do things quite quickly, works thinks the consequence, I most excel the discipline is the language and mathematics, hoped everybody supports me.

Good noon everyone.My Chinese name is...my English name is...I want to work as an assistant here,and I believe I will be a good assistant because I can do things very fast and I can think it over before I do it.
I am good at Chinese and Math.I hope you can support me!

Good afternoon,everyone!My name is***,and my English name is###,I want to be an assistant here.I think I would be a qualified assistant because I am always quickly,and am far-sighted and aim high.What I good at is Chinese and mathmatics,I am eager for your support!

Everybody afternoon is good, my Chinese name is called ******, my English name is called ******, I want in your here to work as an assistant, I thought I am a good assistant, because I do things quite quickly, works thinks the consequence, I most excel the discipline is the language and mathematics, hoped everybody supports me.

Good afternoon,everyone.My Chinese name is ...my English name is ...I would like to be your assistant here,and l'll be sure l will be good because l can do everything fast and l will think about it before l do it. I'm good at Chinese and Math.
l hope you can support me!

Good afternoon,everyone!My name is***,and my English name is###,I want to be an assistant here.I think I would be a qualified assistant because I am always quickly,and am far-sighted and aim high.What I good at is Chinese and mathmatics,I am eager for your support!

In the afternoon everyone is good, my Chinese name call******, My English name call******, I want to be an assistant in your here, I think that I am a good assistant, because of my executive officer m...


In the afternoon everyone is good, my Chinese name call******, My English name call******, I want to be an assistant in your here, I think that I am a good assistant, because of my executive officer more and quickly, work to think the result, the course that I most excel is language and mathematicses, hoping that everyone back me up.


求一个英文翻译(中翻英)急大家下午好,我的中文名字叫,我想在你这里当个助手,我想我是个好的助手,因为我干事比较快,做事想后果,我最擅长的学科是语文和数学,希望大家支持我.我对我 求一篇英文翻译(一段2、3分钟的演讲稿)原文是这样的: 各位同学老师大家下午好,我是XX,我这次拿出来的照片名为金凤山,我平时不喜欢给自己照相,却喜欢拍一些风景、事物、或 跪求英语高手帮忙翻译一段英文演讲稿,急啊~!~!~!~!~!大概就是要搞一个英语演讲会,主持的开场白和结束语……我一共就50分,请大家帮帮忙.尽量用初二以下词汇开场白:同学们,下午好.今天我 求下面一段自我介绍的英文翻译?拜托了!急!大家好!我是XXX.我今年XX岁.我是一个开朗的女孩,喜欢交朋友,唱歌,表演是我的强项.我也很喜欢运动,经常和朋友去游泳.我有时也会安静的看书,我的 希望我能得到大家的认可的英文翻译,急 我好想你,求英文翻译 “大家”这个词,求英文翻译~ 疯狂的我 不自由 我是一个孤独的小孩 大人真好 ) 求英文翻译! 求一篇“——,我喜欢”的作文好的追加分大家帮帮忙吧,急!急!急!急!急!急!急! 求英语演讲比赛的开场白大概意思是 大家下午好,我十分荣幸站在这里为大家带来一段简短的演讲,今天我为大家带来的是一段笑话,内容是这样的……… 给大家讲一个小故事,愿能博君一笑 的英文翻译急!尽量优美,不要有错误,急! 大家下午好英文怎么拼写 大家下午好.用英文怎么说? 下午好!请问大家这三张图是什么小鸟? 我期待一个惊喜 求英文翻译 有关月亮的对联有哪些?下午三点之前要!急!大家帮帮我! 急求英文翻译“餐饮公司” 急求“乐于助人”英文翻译!