
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:19:57


The Scar of History- Nanking

Frankly speaking, I almost have no idea about what a movie truly described, even though, I really like watching movies. I watched lots movies, but I remembered rarely. Some people may say that’s all right or that’s happened, yes, that’s happened. What should I care? If you are totally impressed by a movie, I think the movie will deeply insert in your heart and touch your spirit with a strange magic which will give you some different feelings, just like happiness, sweet, free, or even some pain, depressed, anger, and crazy. Just because those feelings you got, how can you forget them?
Iris Chang--The Rape of Nanking is such a documentary film that impressed me so deeply. I don’t know whether you have been watched it? Just like me. I don’t know whether you have the feelings just like I have. Iris Chang--The Rape of Nanking, this movie was based on a book named The Rape of Nanking written by Zhang Chunru, a Chinese American, who was the first person written the rape of Nanking in English. In other words, we can say that this movie is talking about Zhang Chunru and how can she finished her book The Rape of Nanking. This was a road with lots incredible experiences and made me really depressed with shaking.
At the beginning of this film, the sea waved beat the beach again and again, as like the story of history knock on our mind and want tell us her sadness, blood, tears, and remind us some things. As Iris Chang said, people all around the world knew massacre made by Nazi, in the contrast, human rarely knew that a merciless massacre took place in Nanking, China made by Japanese. At the very start, Iris Chang knew a few about this terrible event. With the passage of time, she grew up and she realized she had no choice that she must do something to let people know this event. Some old movies, old pictures appeared crossed with the modern society, which make you feel brightly shock to your eyes. With the old picture and the modern picture crossed that makes me feel like I was close with the event. With some different kinds of materials appeared before my eyes, it made the event more reality, I realized that Iris Chang suffered a lot of pain.
During she collected materials about the rape of Nanking, she worked hard. Given this circumstance, a lot times she couldn’t help crying, was almost breakdown. Even though, she didn’t stop, she kept going. With a journey to Nanking city, she felt it is an emergency thing which she should do as quickly as she can to show the Nanking massacre around the world. In Nanking, she visited a lot people who were survivals in the Nanking massacre. The survival’s telling was an extremely shocking, from their eyes, from the dearest relatives who were killed by the Japanese soldiers, and from the merciless scar on their flawed body that you couldn’t imagine how horrible humiliations they suffered. This was the eternal scar and pain branded in their hearts.
With this in mind, sometimes I had a badly feeling that I was depressed, I breathe hardly, I almost throw up, and I’m in totally anger. During that moment, there were several heroes who gave some Nanking citizens a hand. Even though, the Japanese soldiers without humanistic, they made an array of terrible activities treat Chinese people. The beast killed Chinese people as recreational activities. They raped Chinese women (from 14 years old to 80 years old) and killed them with some unbelievable ways. Japanese soldiers killed little babies with their bayonet, and throw them away. They are just little babies, can you imagine that? Iris Chang said, sometimes she supposed that if she was born in that time, in the Nanking city, she maybe one of the dead people lay on the road where was filled with blood and dead bodies. In the night, when she was settling with the evidences, she sometimes appeared with convulsion and hardly stopped it, just shaking. Gradually, when she combed her hairs, her hair dropped piece by piece. At that time, she was in a dark mood with heavy stress. Her parents asked her “should you continuous to write this book?” She replied, “Contrast with the survivals go through, mine undergo is nothing. I had to finish this book.” What were really bitterly disappointed to Iris were the people who pass up the facts. In the modern society there are still many Japanese Who deny the Nanking massacre. They want to wipe out this history. Furthermore, they do not want to charge with their guilt. Those ridiculous thoughts hit Iris Chang’s faith which was “human’s nature is virtuous”. When I watch the period which filmed a modern Japanese citizen who denied the Nanking massacre was made by Japan, in contrast, he thought that this entire event was totally played by the Chinese government. The unbelievable cruel pictures and the foreigners’ evidences was not real, they just arranged by Chinese government. How ridiculous he was! How can he think like this? Such an asshole! Go to hell! You are such a beast! History father will break you down! I was abusing those people who were dare not express the fact—out of fear, out of anxiety, out of their nation. I cried, what does the tear mean? The tears meant what? Meaning Nanking Massacre, meaning the dead people, meaning Iris Chang, or meaning the pain of the history?
“Just a little child, they took it all away, your blood, your life, your trust, your faith, you died, reborn in pain….” This song appeared when Iris Chang was in badly sadness during she read or meat the actual distressed things. Iris Chang cried with her twittered body, she took the pain as her own. When I heard this song, my nose twitched and I began to weep. With a long silence, I dry my tears. This song really moved me, “I’ll give voice to the voiceless (silenced for too long), crying out for justice (silenced for too long), trust me with your pain, I’ll take it as my own, I’ll fight to get the truth told, my weapon is my word.” Iris Chang was such a young lady in her most glorious age with artistic talent. She can have an amazing future, she can have more children, she can stroll around the park with her husband, and she can be happier, but all of this just can be with her left. After she finished the book Iris Chang – the Rape of Nanking, she was completely succeeded. She brought a large effect among the North America. But several years later, after a depressive episode resulting from a nervous breakdown, she took her own life. I think she was completely put herself into suffer. She was stranded by the miserable stories. With the deepest she sank into and the unbelievable pain she faced, how can she stand it? Only when a person who really cared about a thing, they will took it as their own part, just like Iris Chang. If it works, I hope that Iris Chang was still alive, and use her words to let more people know the truth of history, bring the real justice to the world.
With time goes on, a lot of changes emerge in the modern society. The scar of history doesn’t disappear, they are just there, and to remind human beings doesn’t repeat the tragic event. Only when people realized it, they will not let these things happened in their country, their area, and their city. We need the real justice and we need more voice to the voiceless. Just like the lyrics sing “it’s done, the page’s filled, with blood and tears, not in vain, the world will finally hear, I gave voice to the voiceless, now I’m silencing my own, what I’ve left behind, remember, in you, my spirit lives on, find my light, pass it on.” I hope tomorrow will be better!
你可以把电影名字(Iris Chang – the Rape of Nanking)改一改,再加上自己的想法.祝你好运

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