请帮我用英语写几句关于钱与环境的辩论稿我支持的论点是:Money can be good environmental change(有钱可以使环境变好)而别人的观点是Money can not make good environmental change(有钱不可以使环境变好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:53:53

请帮我用英语写几句关于钱与环境的辩论稿我支持的论点是:Money can be good environmental change(有钱可以使环境变好)而别人的观点是Money can not make good environmental change(有钱不可以使环境变好
我支持的论点是:Money can be good environmental change(有钱可以使环境变好)
而别人的观点是Money can not make good environmental change(有钱不可以使环境变好)

请帮我用英语写几句关于钱与环境的辩论稿我支持的论点是:Money can be good environmental change(有钱可以使环境变好)而别人的观点是Money can not make good environmental change(有钱不可以使环境变好
Nowadays,environmental protection has become the hotest topic all around the globe,to which not only the governments,but also enterprises and individuals have payed their great attention.However,we have to admit that we are living in a realistic society,and there are too many goals that we're not able to achieve effectively without enough funds,in which,unfortunately,environmental protection is included.Environmental protection & pullution controlling is an undertaking with high requirements for high-tech and top talents.Without these supports,the proccess of one pollution control may not only be effectiveless,but also become the cause of another pollution.In this case,the efforts we have taken for environmental protection would become senseless.Moreover,it's essential to have enough money for govenments and enterprises to bring in hi-technologies and top talents.As a result,it's necessary to have enough money in order to carry out the undertakings of environmental protection,which is,to make good changes to our environment.

speaking of realistic aims, it is more sensible and practical to invest on nation’s poor population rather than on hi-tech research. As is known to all, nowadays hi-tech researches have reached a cert...


speaking of realistic aims, it is more sensible and practical to invest on nation’s poor population rather than on hi-tech research. As is known to all, nowadays hi-tech researches have reached a certain height and it is not so easy to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time. Hi-tech researches are both time-consuming and expensive; especially it is a heavy burden for developing countries to spend so much money on them. No matter how advanced and developed in hi-tech research it is for a country, if its people are living in poverty and suffering from hunger ever day, I don’t think it worth all the money and efforts in doing so and it won’t be understood and appreciated by the people.


请帮我用英语写几句关于钱与环境的辩论稿我支持的论点是:Money can be good environmental change(有钱可以使环境变好)而别人的观点是Money can not make good environmental change(有钱不可以使环境变好 帮我搜一篇关于.环境的英语作文 辩论词:讨论开卷是否有益?请大家帮我找找关于这方面的辩论词. 能不能帮我一下,关于环境的演讲稿? 认为人受环境影响的人,请和我辩论.(1)请证明环境可以脱离人的思维而存在;(2)假使环境客观存在,请证明人的主观思维与客观环境具有同一性. 宽容是不是软弱的表现,请帮我解答有关于“是软弱的表现”的辩论词 关于感恩须不需要物质回报的辩论我是反方--感恩学要物质回报,请帮我写出必胜的演讲稿, 关于亡羊补牢为时已晚的辩论班里搞辩论.我帮朋友写一份辩论的称述,他是反方一辩.观点是:”亡羊补牢为时已晚”请帮一下忙,如何写称述词?再帮忙举一些例子!谢谢! 请帮我找关于英语励志的短文四则 英语外交要我们辩论关于同性恋的话题,谁帮我用英文想几个点,我是正方 支持同性恋 能附上英文最好 关于人类是环境的保护者的论文,用英语,主要用来辩论! 关于网络利弊的英语辩论赛我为反方辩手(弊),需要英文辩论素材,请告诉我从那些方面进行辩论. 班级辩论植物和动物都有什么好处,我辩论动物,英文,请写出3句英语关于动物的好处, 请大家帮我写一份关于家长的监护权比孩子的隐私权重要的辩论词.写好了我还会加悬赏的…… 请给我一个英语的演讲稿,最好是关于友情,感情,环境方面的,要短小 请帮我写一篇关于北京天安门的作文 用英语 顺便写一下翻译 请帮我用英语写一篇关于邀请家长到学校开家长会的邀请函 请帮我用英语写一篇关于四川地震的文章