Mum,can you_____my books here. they are at home 应该填bring还是take我认为是bring,可同学都说是take

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:32:51

Mum,can you_____my books here. they are at home 应该填bring还是take我认为是bring,可同学都说是take
Mum,can you_____my books here. they are at home 应该填bring还是take

Mum,can you_____my books here. they are at home 应该填bring还是take我认为是bring,可同学都说是take
Mum,can you bring my books here.they are at home


用 bring是正确的,‘



Mum,can you_____my books here. they are at home 应该填bring还是take我认为是bring,可同学都说是take Mum can cook nice Can I___you,Mum? 英语对话填空 一空一词A:Do you_____my sister has a boy friend in the US?B:Sorry,I don't______.Can you tell me what he_____like?A:He has short,straight____.B:Oh.Is he tall?A:Not very tall.He's of medium build.B:Oh,I know____.He's mum,____I play computer games?yes,you can.A.must B.may C.will D.need ( ) 你想要一些汤,这样对妈妈说:A.Mum,can I have some soup,please?B.Mum,hava some soup,please? Mum,can we ____(play) football now? Can I go() school() taxi today,Mum? Can I go()school ()taxi today,mum? can't find Mum用中文翻译 ___I have to help you do the dishes,mum?A.could D.can Mum,can I have____apple more B.more one C.another one another 请问选哪个,为什么? --Can I have one more apple ,mum?--There is__left,what about a pear?A none B no one C something A:Can I help you.Please?B:___!I'm ___now.Mum!What are you making?A:I'm__some cakes. Mum can ____ us something to eat and drink at McDonald's.A want B tell C take D buy A:__l go to the picture show__you,mum?B:__.But you can't__your camera with you. ,选择 ,20道 ,,单项选择1.Do you know how much hot water A.Mum is needed B.does Mum need C.Mum needs D.did Mum need2.Can you tell me A.where he is B.where is he C.he is where D.what is he3.I didn’t know how to London?A.would they go B.are they -Can I have some ice cream, Mum? -Sorry,there is-Can I have some ice cream, Mum? -Sorry,there is___left in the fridge.A.none B.nothing one D.anything请写明理由,谢谢!