
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 22:23:06


All three customers (hi)
Waiter:How are you guys doing today?
All three customers:Pretty good
Waiter:that's good!What would you guys like to drink?
1:I'll have a Pilsner please.(beer)
2:I'll have a class of water please,no ice.
Waiter:k,no problem.
3:Just an ice tea would be fine.Thanks!
Waiter:alright,I'll be right back...
1:This drummie stuff looks good.
2:I don't know dude,I think I'm just gonna stick with the lasagna.
3:Nachos anyone?
1:I'll split the nachos
2:yeah I'll do it too.
Waiter:(comes back with drinks) Here you go gentlemen...
All three:Thank you!
Waiter:Are you ready to order or would you like a couple of minutes?
1:Nah,we are ready.
Waiter:Ok,awesome.Start with you sir?
2:Uh,I'll have the lasagna.
Waiter:K,that comes with a salad...would you like a cesar or ranch?
2:cesar please.
Waiter:Okay.You sir?
1:I'll have the drummies,serve with the toasted buns.
Waiter:Okay no problem.
3:I'd like a plate of nachos with extra cheese.
Waiter:chicken or beef?
3:Chicken is fine,and I'll have a meat ball spaghetti as well please.
Waiter:how would you like your salad?
3:Hold the salad please.
Waiter:you sure?
Alright then,I'll be back with your orders.
All three:Thank!

高手帮忙编写一段英文餐厅点菜的对话要3个人,每个人8句左右,什么句型内容都可以. 请高手提供一段大约三分钟的,在餐厅里的英文对话? 写一篇在餐厅点菜的小短文,英文 餐厅点菜服务员的注意事项 餐厅英语:点菜和套餐的英文点菜和套餐的英文,是不是有专有名词,请指教:la carte 点菜?table d'hote 套餐? 求一段5个人的英语情景对话,话题不限,持续时间8到10分钟下个星期三要搞视听说对话了,可是我不会编写对话,求高手帮个忙,帮我编定一段对话,如果您翻译有困难的话,可以编写中文的,不过如 关与餐厅点菜的英语短句 朋友间英文的对话,在餐厅要2—3分钟 点菜的英文 英语高手帮忙编辑一个对话请帮忙编辑一段关于西方节日的英文对话,要求对话中要有与中国节日的特征比较,还要有一些观点,水平是大一!由于是4个人的对话, 来个高手帮忙写一段电影《血战太平洋》的英文简介. 以跨国婚姻的利弊为主题 编写一段英文对话. 用英文编写一段电话对话,在电话其中一个人邀请另一个人参加他的生日聚会简单一点6年级水平.要求4个问答 我要一段问路的英文对话 帮忙编一个关于邀请某人去吃饭并点菜的英文小对话总数20句左右,即每人10句 格式: A:XXXX B:XXXX A:XXXX B:XXXX 还有一个要求是:对话里点菜的部分要有菜名两人之间的对话 西方点菜时的对话 英语回答 请高手帮忙写篇英文对话对话的内容是讨论养宠物的利弊,正反观点的内容差不多,对话内容长度大约3分钟 帮忙找篇四人的英语情景对话,关于在餐馆里点菜的,最好幽默的.关于在餐馆里点菜的,最好幽默的.