问几道英语语法题目1.--Who's the man over there?--It's Jack--Oh?_____in ItalyA.I think he's B.I have thought he's been..请问为什么不能选A啊...2.I ____ping-pong quite well,but i haven't had time to play since the New Year...A.Played B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 11:31:08

问几道英语语法题目1.--Who's the man over there?--It's Jack--Oh?_____in ItalyA.I think he's B.I have thought he's been..请问为什么不能选A啊...2.I ____ping-pong quite well,but i haven't had time to play since the New Year...A.Played B
1.--Who's the man over there?
--It's Jack
--Oh?_____in Italy
A.I think he's B.I have thought he's been
2.I ____ping-pong quite well,but i haven't had time to play since the New Year...
A.Played B.play
A...请问为什么不能选B?...根据常理看的话,这里也应该是现在也打得好...如果想表达以前打得好现在打得不好了,那应该用过去完成时才对啊= =...
3.I _____you not to move my dictionary--now i can't find it...
A.had asked B.asked
..请问为什么不能选A啊...我已经说过了不要动我的字典,有什么不对啊= =
4.There are two buildings._____stands nearly a hundred feet high.
A.the larger of them B.the larger of which
5.--Sorry to have interrupted you.Pleade go on.
--Where was
--You____you didn't like your father's job
A.had said B.were saying
6.I invited Tom and Ann to dinner,but_____of them came.
A.neither B.none
7.The day after tomorrow they_____a volleyball match
A.will be watching B.is going to watch
8.When Jack arrived,he learned Mary_____for almost an hour
A.had set off B.had been away

问几道英语语法题目1.--Who's the man over there?--It's Jack--Oh?_____in ItalyA.I think he's B.I have thought he's been..请问为什么不能选A啊...2.I ____ping-pong quite well,but i haven't had time to play since the New Year...A.Played B
1. A 的意思是他现在在意大利,可是题目说他就在那边.
2. A 的意思就是以前打得好,因为后面说他现在没有时间打了,所以选用过去时好.
3. 这句话没有明显的完成时标志性时间短语,如already,since等.
4. 这句话是选a 吧,如果没有那个句号就是b
5. 这个好难解释,语感问题.过去完成时是一个过程,而b进行时就是一个动作,这里应该是强调动作.
6. 三个人以上用B,两个人用a
7. 主语是they,位于不会是is,所以排除b
8. Set off 强调动作,而be away是状态.Mary离开一段时间,是状态,主要因为后面的for时间状语




6 neither只两者 none三者或以上!
8过去完成时强调对过去的影响!而完成时的想到当和一段时间连用时无语动词用延续性动词!!! 要是你还没有印象那去看看完成时!!!


问几道英语语法题目1.--Who's the man over there?--It's Jack--Oh?_____in ItalyA.I think he's B.I have thought he's been..请问为什么不能选A啊...2.I ____ping-pong quite well,but i haven't had time to play since the New Year...A.Played B 问2道高中英语语法题1.--____doesn't seem to be any possibility that they will win the game.--No,____what I can't understand.A.It,that's B.There,that's C.That,there's D.There,here's2--Who shall we choose to make up our baseball team?--Well,___ 英语选择题目的疑惑This dictionary isn't mine._______ can it be?A.who else's B.whose else's C who's else D who else这个题目到底选择什么?这后面的是什么用法? that's someone who doesn't eat Who's who of who, who didn't know how to cherish.什么意思? 几个英语语法题目!1.In 1938 Pearl S.Buck became the first American woman__the Nobel Prize for Literature.A.receiving B.received C.who receives D.to receive选D.请每个选项都解析一通吧!2.Could you __me to the railway station,please?A. 英语语法I don't know if there is ------in today's newpaper.1.something important 2.anything important选哪一个 关于7上Unit6的英语语法!who are we为什么在前面加上people don't know 就该变成People don't know who we are? what's Love?I don't know.who help me?who can sing Love's song? It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right Who's(完全形式)don't(完全形式) Who was T.S.Eliot?please answer use English. It's me who can't live without you 以下哪些缩写错误?1.What’s 2.this’s 3.who’s 4.is以下哪些缩写错误?1.What’s 2.this’s 3.who’s 4.is isn’t 5.amn’t 6.you’re7.Where’s 8.he’s 9.don’t 英语语法问题,Don't let's do it,()()如题~后面应该跟什么? who's, 选词填空:1.what 2.when 3.where 4.who 5.whose 6.who's 7.how______was yor weekend?It wasn't much fun. Translate:It s the one who won t be taken Who cannot seem to give