
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:03:10


There's a heated discussion that universities should or should not independent recruitment of students test.
Some of my school students think that independent recruitment is right.Firstly,it can relieve the universities because it can save many procedures.Secondly,it's the universities' own right to do it.Because these universities can choose the students they like.
The rest of my schoolmates don't agree the independent recruitment of students test.First of all,it abandons the cultural advantage of our country and isn't good to spread our culture.Because the traditional recruitment method has its own benefit to the country and students.If we give up this way,we have to find an unknown way,which may sacrifice many students' interest.Furthermore,it can mislead the basic education method.Because if most of universities recruit independently,many courses will be ignored.
I don't agree with the independent recruitment of students test.I think we should insist the successful and continuous recruitment methods because it proves to be true.

以大学自主招生为题的英语作文对大学自主招生的利弊的讨论(英语作文)高中的 中国人民大学自主招生考不考英语啊 马上参加大学的自主招生,谁能告诉我大学自主招生英语面试的流程.最好是西安电子科技大学的,我要参加那儿的自主招生 上海财经自主招生面试英语需要大学四级吗有考过上海财经自主招生的前辈吗/恳请讲讲经验呗 自主招生的准备.即将参加一场大学自主招生,有笔试,全英面试. 哪个大学自主招生不考英语我英语不好,理科很好,所以想报一个没有英语的自主招生的大学!语文哪个学校不考? 大学自主招生英语口试都考些什么啊 中国人民大学自主招生面试有考英语吗 物理自主招生_自主招生成绩查询_河海大学自主招生 如何写一份自荐信(大学的自主招生) 数学竞赛三等奖对那些大学的自主招生有用?(要具体的) 有没有大学的自主招生 不考英语或者语文 我竞赛有英语全国二等奖,生物省三等奖,能不能算作大学自主招生的筹码? 2011年自主招生_自主招生面试题_自主招生的院校 全国创新英语作文大赛华北赛区三等奖对自主招生有什么用 对各类大学分别解答好吗?不要二本。要一本重点 山东省高中数学竞赛二等奖对华北电力大学自主招生有用吗 大学自主招生面试题过几天我急要去参加重庆大学的自主招生了,面试时应注意些什么?另外,如果问题是给出一个我们选你的理由之类的,怎么回答才更有说服力而又不落俗套? 有什么大学自主招生不考英语啊!(二本以上)同上