英语句子语法,帮忙看看有没有语法错误a person should have deep considerantion before doing sth,but when the plan is settled,it need us to concentrate and follow this goal rather than the heasitation,which is the attitude of determinati

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 07:26:15

英语句子语法,帮忙看看有没有语法错误a person should have deep considerantion before doing sth,but when the plan is settled,it need us to concentrate and follow this goal rather than the heasitation,which is the attitude of determinati
a person should have deep considerantion before doing sth,but when the plan is settled,it need us to concentrate and follow this goal rather than the heasitation,which is the attitude of determination.

英语句子语法,帮忙看看有没有语法错误a person should have deep considerantion before doing sth,but when the plan is settled,it need us to concentrate and follow this goal rather than the heasitation,which is the attitude of determinati
A person should think twice before doing anything.However,once the plan is set,we should concentrate on how to carry it out without hesitation.This is called determination.

帮忙看看有没有语法错误. 帮忙看看有没有语法错误. 英语高手帮忙看看这篇作文有没有语法错误 帮忙看看这句英语有没有语法错误When I got no power.please by my side,say you believe me.这句话语法对吗 英语句子语法,帮忙看看有没有语法错误a person should have deep considerantion before doing sth,but when the plan is settled,it need us to concentrate and follow this goal rather than the heasitation,which is the attitude of determinati You will know that at tomorrow.这个句子有没有语法错误,请帮忙看看, 帮忙检查一下这些句子有没有语法错误, 求英语大神帮忙看看这篇作文有没有语法错误~~谢了~ 帮忙看看这个句子有没有语法错误 If my solar calendar birthday is weekdays on which I have to work If my solar calendar birthday is on weekdays when I have to work 这两个句子,哪个对?语法上 求帮忙看看有没有语法错误谢谢了 帮忙看一下这句英语有没有语法错误I will always just done it.有没有语法错 英语句子语法问题i met my best friend who i no see for a long time有没有语法错误,如果有,要怎么改? 帮忙判断一下这个英语句子有没有语法错误Participate in activities from drawing to biking 各位英语好的看过来,帮我看看这个句子的语法.I hurry to run to her house请问有没有语法错误?如果有请更正错在哪里……请【更正】 一个英语句子 看看有语法错误不 在线等I have been lucy enough to get a considerable benifits from prograss that people make the earth a better place to live. 请问有语法问题吗? 没有能翻译一下吗? 有的话请说明那里 英语作文,有没有高手帮我看看语法错误 英语作文 看看有没有语法错误啊啊啊啊 大家帮忙看看这句英语有没有错Being optimism is very useful for us to overcome all of these problems and keep us in a good mental health.大家看看有没有语法错误,不用翻译阿