1.she came here late last night or __,early in the morning.[A]【不懂】A.rather B.even C.rather than D.not2.Bill must have got the book yesterday ,__he?[D]【不解】A.haven't B.hasn't C.mustn't D.didn't3.A lot of people here,__,Tom,are for the p

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:31:57

1.she came here late last night or __,early in the morning.[A]【不懂】A.rather B.even C.rather than D.not2.Bill must have got the book yesterday ,__he?[D]【不解】A.haven't B.hasn't C.mustn't D.didn't3.A lot of people here,__,Tom,are for the p
1.she came here late last night or __,early in the morning.[A]【不懂】
A.rather B.even C.rather than D.not
2.Bill must have got the book yesterday ,__he?[D]【不解】
A.haven't B.hasn't C.mustn't D.didn't
3.A lot of people here,__,Tom,are for the plan that we will go to the beach on foot.[B]【为什么是B不能是C】
A.such as B.for example C.like D.for instant
4.__is __who wants to see me.[A]【形式主语?为什么宾语后面是He】
A.IT,he B.it ;I C.That ;him D.That ;he
5.-Can I help you,sir?-I'd like to buy a camera.
-This way,please.We have many types for you __[b]
A.to choose B.to choose from C.choose D,to buy
6.they plant trees __and many of the trees are growing tall__.[C]【不理解】
A.year by year ;year by year B.one year by another ;year after year
C.year after year ;year by year D.year after year ;year after year
7.-I believe we met somewhere several years ago.-No,__.[C]【A为什么错】
-A.it can't be true B.I'd rather not C.I dont't think so D.it isn't the same
8.He also wrote short stories,but he was __comedies.[B]【A为什么错】
A.more known as B.better known for C.more known for Dless known as
9.with her dearest jewels__,Alice was almost mad.[B]【选C为什么错】
A,missed B.gone C.stolen D.were lost
10.The woman living next door looks quite young __her age.[B]【不理解】
A.of B,for C.by D.over
11.There was lost of fun at yesterday 's party.you __come ,but why didn't you [D]【选A为什么错】
A.should B.must have C.might have D.ought to have
12.Bob didn't even have __common sense to send for a doctor when his grandmather had __heart attack.[B]【不懂】
A.a;the B.the ;a C./;a D.a;/
13.The woman saw her baby fall to the ground ,__brought her heart to her mouth.[C]【选B为什么错】
A.it B.and which C.and that D.this

1.she came here late last night or __,early in the morning.[A]【不懂】A.rather B.even C.rather than D.not2.Bill must have got the book yesterday ,__he?[D]【不解】A.haven't B.hasn't C.mustn't D.didn't3.A lot of people here,__,Tom,are for the p
3.for example与like,such as都可用于举例,但只有for example能够在句中做插入语,前后用逗号隔开.
4.本题为强调句式,它的基本结构是:"It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其他部分."所以it是形式主语,真正的主语是he,也就是说,这句话可以变为:He wants to see me.
5.空白前面“We have many types for you."是一个简单句,主谓宾都不缺,所以要填非谓语动词.“choose from“表示“从…中选出”,是固定搭配,这里动词不定式作定语,修饰types.
6.“year after year"意为“年复一年”;“year by year”意为“逐年”.
7.“It can't be true."侧重于对一件事的真实性表示怀疑,就是说认为某事不可能发生,客观上没有发生的可能性.而题中说的“我们多年前曾遇见过”是有发生的可能性的,故应填“I don't think so." 表示说话人的一种主观看法.
8."be well-known as"指某人因从事某项工作而著名,而“be well-known for"指某人因做某事,取得某成就而著名.如:He is well-known as a painter. He is well-known for painting.
10.这里for her age意为“按照她的年龄来讲”,其余选项无此用法.
11.这道题考查情态动词的用法,ought to have done意为“本应该…”,是说话人对对方的一种责备,说他该做某事而实际没做.这是对过去事实的一种责备,如选A,则是对现在事实的责备,不合题意.
12.common sense意为“常识”.这句话可译为:“当奶奶犯心脏病时,鲍勃甚至都没有派人去请医生这样一种常识.”根据语境,这种常识应该是特指的,不是指笼统的一切常识.所以可以排除其余选项.
13.如果选B,应去掉and,则此句变为一个非限制性定语从句,which brought her heart to her mouth修饰孩子掉落这件事.而选C的话,原句就变成了一个并列句,that指代这件事,也是说这件事使女人的心提到了嗓子眼.另外that是不能引导非限制性定语从句的.故选C.