谁解释一下这道高中听力题?原文:I'm sorry I caused your husband so much trouble. It doesn't matter.In fact he is the sort of man who is never happy unless he has something to complain about. 问题:What can we learn about the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 20:25:05

谁解释一下这道高中听力题?原文:I'm sorry I caused your husband so much trouble. It doesn't matter.In fact he is the sort of man who is never happy unless he has something to complain about. 问题:What can we learn about the
原文:I'm sorry I caused your husband so much trouble.
It doesn't matter.In fact he is the sort of man who is never happy unless he has something to complain about.
问题:What can we learn about the woman's husband?
A He is always very optimistic.
B He is glad to help others.
C He is always complaining.

谁解释一下这道高中听力题?原文:I'm sorry I caused your husband so much trouble. It doesn't matter.In fact he is the sort of man who is never happy unless he has something to complain about. 问题:What can we learn about the

谁解释一下这道高中听力题?原文:I'm sorry I caused your husband so much trouble. It doesn't matter.In fact he is the sort of man who is never happy unless he has something to complain about. 问题:What can we learn about the 这是一个听力对话,以下是原文,不能理解,请解释一下neither am I W:I have to wash my clothes myself.But I'm not allowed to buy myself clothes.M:Neither am I.Q:Is the boy asked to wash clothes?We don't know. 求一些高中英语听力的题目,要有题目和听力原文要有题目和听力原文, 英语听力题:听力原文M:as far as i am concerned,听力原文:M:As far as i am concerned,there is no better time for a visit in beijing than october W:I coudn't agree with you anymore.Q:what does the woman mean?选项:A.She quite agrees w I’m glad to hear you feel W:Well,congratulations!That’s fantastic!M:Thanks,I’m glad to hear you feel way.这是0806英语六级听力原文中的。 谁有英语四级听力真题原文和MP3? 英语翻译P78的第六题和P130的第八题听力原文的翻译两道都是听力题.要听力原文的翻译那个是听力题.写题目没有用我要听力的时候放的原文 急求高中英语听力练习,英语短文听力,要听力原文mp3 谁有剑桥雅思456的听力原文,不是题,是原文 李阳疯狂英语 5分钟突破高中听力的光盘不见了 求听力的mp3第一题的原文是 w:jack how do you like the play?m:it's simple story with a happy ending ,but ,luckily,they had a very strong actor,and he managed to carry the whole p 2012年专四听力真题MP3,及听力原文 六级历年真题听力原文 大学英语二级水平测试试题集.我想要高中听力训练二的11-18题的原文及答案. 有道听力题,不晓得怎么算哪~那个来教教我哇听力原文:M:Did you call your parents?W:Yes.It cost me one yuan.M:Oh,it's very cheap.W:Yes.I spent 40 fen on the first three minutes,then 10 fen more on each minute.How long did the woman 谁有人教版高中英语听力原文 求四级听力及听力原文? 谁有英语听力啊?高中高中 听力练习 啦 谁有人教版高二英语听力课文(听力原文)?注意!是课文,不是听力我要听力原文我的QQ645703871