看下这个英语两个句子 when I was having breakfast,someone came to visit me.they were working in the fields when it began to rain.我们老师在讲的时候说的 while 后可跟ing when 不行 可是我在报纸上看到了这个句子when

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:50:32

看下这个英语两个句子 when I was having breakfast,someone came to visit me.they were working in the fields when it began to rain.我们老师在讲的时候说的 while 后可跟ing when 不行 可是我在报纸上看到了这个句子when
when I was having breakfast,someone came to visit me.
they were working in the fields when it began to rain.
我们老师在讲的时候说的 while 后可跟ing
when 不行 可是我在报纸上看到了这个句子when I was having breakfast,someone came to visit me.

看下这个英语两个句子 when I was having breakfast,someone came to visit me.they were working in the fields when it began to rain.我们老师在讲的时候说的 while 后可跟ing when 不行 可是我在报纸上看到了这个句子when
when 后面可以跟 ING 的.
while 后面多半跟 ING, 比较强调动作在进行中.

看下这个英语两个句子 when I was having breakfast,someone came to visit me.they were working in the fields when it began to rain.我们老师在讲的时候说的 while 后可跟ing when 不行 可是我在报纸上看到了这个句子when 帮忙分析下这个英语句子的语法错误I’m still scared when I recall the bad memory which I nearly lost her. I的复数形式通常是we,那么...I的复数形式通常是we,但是在下面这个句子中,怎么翻译?我看到了两个我,在镜子的帮助下.我的目的不是单纯的想用英语表达这个句子,我想知道I的复数是什么.不是w 太好听了,求歌名it~wa wa when when you still inside,oh~wa wa when when there nothing to hide歌词大概是这个音,单词对不对不清楚. it~wa wa when when you fell a standside, oh~wa wa when when there nothing to hide. when when when ,p 英语 句子语法请帮忙看下,这段句子语法上有问题么.it is time to shine Paris when i was dream i could fly to Paris 英语:It was 2000 when I graduated from university.这句话when 引导的是时间状语从句,It代什么?不是主语从句吧.请把这个简单的句子分析下 这个英语句子是否正确?帮忙看下谢谢 如果错了请帮忙改正 谢谢 We hit the enemy when they were sleeping.I pointed a stone at the tree but hit the car by mistake.帮我解释下这两个句子(用英语改写,也就是同义句) 求英语翻译.和看下这个句子有没问题.Give me enough time, I will get what I want. 帮我看看这两个句子对不对我看有人说:i wrote this when i was working in Russia.那我是不是可以说:i wrote this when i worked in Russia.为什么? 谁能帮我分析下这个英语句子?How good it will be when I also have one.我也不懂分析什么,就是看不懂这句话的意思,大家能不能在结构上和语法上分析一下呢? 一个英语句子,副词是不是放在动词后面I am afraid if when I am doing the exam,the network disconnects suddenly这个句子对吗? 爱,这个字的英语句子.比如i love you ,一样.有哪些?翻译下 英语达人来帮忙分析下这个句子So practice I did怎么理解 帮忙看下英语这个题, 帮忙看下这个阅读,英语 I will never forget the day ( )we spent together by the sea?是添that 还是when 说明理由 是定语从句吗?看这个句子finall came the day ( ) he had to begin his study for the nest term.是添that 还是when 为什么?说下区别? 这个句子有错吗?You don't how long I have waited for youYou don't how long I have waited for you请问这个句子有病吗?如果有的话,怎么更改?刚学英语,请大家帮忙看下You don't how long I have waited for you,the road seems s