
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 07:15:55


It is mainly to carry goods and the sale of people when we sailed downstream through a hilly region,very bright sunshine as the river rushes through the two mile high Canyon,canyon narrows,only 350 feet,the hills are carrying the past all the passengers came on deck we photograph (pointing to the Three Gorges Engineering) in that position,but we can't ship

They are designed for people who transport some goods or make businese along the river.
The sun is shining brightly when we go though mountains
It is so narrows which is only 350 feet when...


They are designed for people who transport some goods or make businese along the river.
The sun is shining brightly when we go though mountains
It is so narrows which is only 350 feet when the river rushes through the two mile high canyon
As if every mountain flies away
Every passengers came to the deck
Though we are not allowed to get off the ship,we took photos and pointed the place which is named as Three Gorges Engineering


They carry goods and along the Yangtze river is mainly for the people
We floated down through the mountain, the sun is shining
When jet through two miles high canyon, narrow valley, only 350 f...


They carry goods and along the Yangtze river is mainly for the people
We floated down through the mountain, the sun is shining
When jet through two miles high canyon, narrow valley, only 350 feet
Powerfully hill is bearing the weight of the past
All the passengers came to the deck
We took pictures and pointed at the (three gorges) that position, but we can't ship below


英语翻译它们主要是为了运载货物和沿江做买卖的人的当我们顺流而下穿过山区的时候,阳光灿烂极了当急流穿过两英里高的峡谷时,峡谷变窄了,只有350英尺座座小山都承载着过去所有的乘客 血液是由血浆和血细胞组成的.血浆主要是运载_______,运输______和废物. 假如你是郑和船队的船员,你所乘坐的宝船可能会运载哪些货物?你可能会遇到哪些困难?你还要出谋划策. 假如你是郑和船队的船员,你所乘坐的宝船可能会运载哪些货物?你可能会遇到哪些困难 英语翻译我们为了兴趣或者前途学外语 为了可持续发展保护环境 为了和谐社会讲文明.做这些是必需的,处于公德心和责任心.你可以说为了自己为了后代,你甚至可以说为了国家为了地球为了 经过好望角的货轮运载什么货物 三桅小帆船是传统的航行船,埃及人好几个世纪以来都用它们在尼罗河上运送货物和乘客.英语翻译 在血液循环中,对运载血细胞,运载养料和废物起重要作用的是 英语翻译我就是学英语的,其实就是一些能有一些专业一些的翻译工具或网站就行,主要是为了提供一些词汇和句式做参考 压强汽车最大运载量为8000㎏,货箱最大容积是10m³,ρ石=2500㎏/m³,ρ木=500㎏/m³为了不超限运载,又使每一趟运输能最大限度的利用汽车的运载质量和容积,提高汽车的使用率,每 俄罗斯的管道主要运送____和____两种货物,用管道运送这两类货物的优点是_________________. 英语翻译问一位老客户,问他12月份到1月份有没有新的订单,因为一月是春节,为了保证货物正常按时供应,要提前做一下生产计划安排. 宋朝主要输出货物是哪些 英语翻译在翻译中,是要体现出六一和儿童节,主要想知道它们两个的顺序。 一辆汽车的载重量是3.5吨,用它运载一堆货物运了5次才运完.这堆货物至少会大于多少吨? 运费如何按照重量和距离分摊到商品上?例如:货车从A地到B地,总共费用1000元,车上有A B C 三种商品,重量分别为10KG,20KG,30KG.A货物运载了10KM后卸下,B货物运载了20KM后卸下,C货物运载了30KM后卸下, 为了:以便 和介意做某事的英语翻译 使者和商人们在丝绸之路上运载的主要物品是什么