杯弓蛇影 翻译〗《晋书·乐广传》:“尝有亲客,久阔不复来,广问其故,答曰:‘前在坐,蒙赐酒,方欲饮,见杯中有蛇,意甚恶之,既饮而疾.’于时河南听事壁上有角,漆画作蛇,广意杯中蛇即角影

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:41:03

杯弓蛇影 翻译〗《晋书·乐广传》:“尝有亲客,久阔不复来,广问其故,答曰:‘前在坐,蒙赐酒,方欲饮,见杯中有蛇,意甚恶之,既饮而疾.’于时河南听事壁上有角,漆画作蛇,广意杯中蛇即角影
杯弓蛇影 翻译

杯弓蛇影 翻译〗《晋书·乐广传》:“尝有亲客,久阔不复来,广问其故,答曰:‘前在坐,蒙赐酒,方欲饮,见杯中有蛇,意甚恶之,既饮而疾.’于时河南听事壁上有角,漆画作蛇,广意杯中蛇即角影
LieGuang used to have a very close friend,who had not visited him for a long time.When LieGuang asked this friend the reason,the friend replied "During my last visit,when I was about to have a drink,I saw a snake in my glass.I was very disturbed,however I still had the drink,then became ill right after that." Leguang noticed that there was a bow which painted with a snake hanging on the wall.He was curious if that was what his friend saw last time.Therefore,he poured another glass of wine for his friend,put it at the same place,and asked "do you still see things in your glass?" The guest replied "Yes,it is exactly what I saw last time!" Lieguang then explained to his friend,and let him know what he saw was just a reflection of the painting on the bow.His friend realized the truth,and became well soon after.