
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 05:56:01

1. Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the givensituation. A has two tickets for a stage play (话剧) Thunderstorm by Cao Yu and invites B to gotogether this weekend. B gladly accepts the invitation. B learns that A has a friendworking at the theater and can get free tickets.
2. Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the givensituation. Your good neighbor’s wife died a couple of weeks ago, and he isfeeling lonely. You and your friend are discussing what to buy to cheer him up.Initially, you want to buy a bunch of flowers, but your friend suggests a dog.
3. Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the givensituation. The city has passed a law against walking dogs on the streets. Youand your partner are discussing the pros and cons of the law and possiblesolutions for dog owners.
4. Your group is required to create a dialogue on the fashionableminiskirt. Ask your partner whether he or she thinks students can wearminiskirts on campus and why.
5. Your group is required to create a dialogue on buying a pair ofjeans. Student A should play the role of the salesman or the saleswoman.Student B should play the role of the customer. (The dialogue may involve size, color, price, etc.)
6. Your group is required to create a dialogue on money. Student Athinks money can bring you happiness. Student B doesn’t agree.


      Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the givensituation. A has two tickets for a stage play (话剧) Thunderstorm by Cao Yu and invites B to gotogether this weekend. B gladly accepts the invitation. B learns that A has a friendworking at the theater and can get free tickets.


A: Hello, B. Do you have any plan for this weekend?

B: Not yet. Any suggestion?

A: I'd like to invite you to see a stage play, a famaous stage play, Thunderstorm by Caoyu.

B: That's great. I have heard about it. And I have been wanting to see it for a long time.

A: Happy to hear. You know, I have a friend working at the theater and he gave me two free tickets.

B: Great! Thanks for your invitation.

A: You are welcome.

2.      Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the givensituation. Your good neighbor’s wife died a couple of weeks ago, and he isfeeling lonely. You and your friend are discussing what to buy to cheer him up.Initially, you want to buy a bunch of flowers, but your friend suggests a dog.
3.      Your group is required to create a dialogue according to the givensituation. The city has passed a law against walking dogs on the streets. Youand your partner are discussing the pros and cons of the law and possiblesolutions for dog owners.
4.      Your group is required to create a dialogue on the fashionableminiskirt. Ask your partner whether he or she thinks students can wearminiskirts on campus and why.
5.      Your group is required to create a dialogue on buying a pair ofjeans. Student A should play the role of the salesman or the saleswoman.Student B should play the role of the customer. (The dialogue may involve size, color, price, etc.)
6.      Your group is required to create a dialogue on money. Student Athinks money can bring you happiness. Student B doesn’t agree.


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