例句:he's in bed.he feel's ill.为什么例句一HE后面有IS,而例句二却没有!谢谢各位喽嘿嘿IS再什么情况下用.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:46:10

例句:he's in bed.he feel's ill.为什么例句一HE后面有IS,而例句二却没有!谢谢各位喽嘿嘿IS再什么情况下用.
例句:he's in bed.he feel's ill.

例句:he's in bed.he feel's ill.为什么例句一HE后面有IS,而例句二却没有!谢谢各位喽嘿嘿IS再什么情况下用.
feel是系动词,后面可以跟形容词.he feels ill.
he is ill.也是不错的.is和feel是不能同时用的,他们都是系动词,句子中只能有一个

记住 一句话里只有一个动词 is 和feel 都属于动词....那个就是传说中的谓语


楼上的说法是对的,feel 和 is \are \am一样也是系动词;

he's in bed. he feel's ill.(这是原句)

改正: He's in bed. He feels ill.(注:没有一撇s的)
解释: 就如上所说的,feel也是系动词,后跟名词,而既然是动词,那肯定就要加s了;

例句:he's in bed.he feel's ill.为什么例句一HE后面有IS,而例句二却没有!谢谢各位喽嘿嘿IS再什么情况下用. He’s stayed in bed since he got ill.(提问) _ _ _ he _ in bed? he`s ill _______.填 in bed还是in the bed?为什么? he's stayed in bed (since he got ill)对括住的部分提问 He is ill ,He's been lying in bed for three weeks请问He's been lying in bed for three weeks换成现在完成时可以吗,为什么? He is r_____ in bed one evening. He is ______(terrible) ill.He must stay in bed. he must stay in bed.he 是第三人称 为何 must 或这 stay 不用加s呢? so he must stay in bed for a week.句中stay为什么不加s Jim is a primary school student, he’s in Grade Two now. He has a round face and wears glasses. Helikes football and swimming. But today he’s not at school. He’s ill . He’s in bed. He had a bad cold. He must stay in bed for a week. But that’ he was ill------yesterdaya.in the bed b.in bed c.in a bed d.in his bed He has a bad cold,Mr.Williams,so he must stay in bed for a weekso he must stay in bed for a week其中的stay为什么不加S tom'father is ill.he is in bed 还是on bed 或是in the bed抑或是at bed? i think he's still in ()bed,but he might just be in (the )bathroom为什么前面不加the,后边就一定要加the 英语第三人称问题He msut stay in bed for a week这意味什么stay不加s? He’s typing letters because the secretary who usually types them is at home in bed with the flu. He's getting ready for bed.改为同义句 he's getting ready for bed.(同义句)