英语小问题,选择题讲理由,高手进~1.be well known+for和be well known+as有什么区别,举个例子2.More people will join your club _ you reduce the price. A.supposed B.as long as C.despite D.for (答案是C,为什么)3._ he would not

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 02:01:06

英语小问题,选择题讲理由,高手进~1.be well known+for和be well known+as有什么区别,举个例子2.More people will join your club _ you reduce the price. A.supposed B.as long as C.despite D.for (答案是C,为什么)3._ he would not
1.be well known+for和be well known+as有什么区别,举个例子
2.More people will join your club _ you reduce the price.
A.supposed B.as long as C.despite D.for (答案是C,为什么)
3._ he would not take our advice was obvious.
A. What B.Which C.That D.Whatever (答案是C,为什么)
4._ ,he went on to watch TV
A.His homework had been finished B.His homework finished(答案是B,为什么不是A)

英语小问题,选择题讲理由,高手进~1.be well known+for和be well known+as有什么区别,举个例子2.More people will join your club _ you reduce the price. A.supposed B.as long as C.despite D.for (答案是C,为什么)3._ he would not
1.首先,第一题.前者意思是“因……而出名”,而后者的意思是“作为……而出名”,在意思上就不一样.举例说名:I`m well know for my strength.我因为我的力量(大)而出名.I`m well know as a man of unusual strength.我因为我是个大力士而出名.前者后接抽象名词(如力量 智慧等),后者接表示身份的名词(如教师、恐怖分子、超人等).
2.敢问先生(小姐)您的答案是不是出了问题?^_^B与C在语法上都不算错误(此处应接连词,A排除.D是介词,后接名词,如果用for,后面应该是your reducing ……),但是B的意思是“只要”,C的意思是“不管”,代入原句子意思“很多人将要加入你的俱乐部( )你降低价钱(入会费)”就可以看出更合理的答案应该是B,而不是C.
3.was前面的部分是主语从句,四个答案在语法上都不错误,但是从句中已经有主语“he”,而除that以外的三个先行词what which whatever都在从句中作主语,选用它们的话句子中将出现两个主语,只有that在句子中不做成分.
另外,题外话.只要是从句的题,先看从句成分.从句一般有主语+谓语+宾语+其它(状语,宾语补足语等等)构成.从句缺什么,就选什么样子的先行词填上.比如缺少地点状语就用where wherever.不缺成分就用that.
4.不要被句子中的逗号骗了,其实这两个短句是一个完整的句子.一个句子中只能出现一个谓语(即动词在句子中的成分,如我打人,打是谓语.我打刚刚打我的人,前一个打是谓语),其他动词就必须改变形式(如ing 过去分词 不定式等)来做句子的其他成分.如果选A,会出现finish went两个谓语(因为前边有been,finish的ed形式表示被动,这就注定了这个可怜的finish只能作为谓语动词,如我被他打了,被打一定是谓语),B中的finish虽然也变为了ed形式,不过它是过去分词做条件状语,不是谓语.所以选B


1。be well known+for和be well known+as
一个可以翻译为:因为....而著名 第二个是作为...而著名
2.More people will join your club _ you reduce the price.
A.supposed B.as long as C.despite D.for


1。be well known+for和be well known+as
一个可以翻译为:因为....而著名 第二个是作为...而著名
2.More people will join your club _ you reduce the price.
A.supposed B.as long as C.despite D.for
3。_ he would not take our advice was obvious.
A. What B.Which C.That D.Whatever
4。_ ,he went on to watch TV
A.His homework had been finished B.His homework finished
I believe there must be a misunderstanding between"go on to do"and "go on doing"in your head.
"go on doing" means you are always doing the same thing.for example, we went on talking after drinking a cup of tea.it implies that you kept talking before drinking a cup of tea.
"go on to do "means that you were doing sth,but during the period,sth made your idea changed to do another thing which is quite different from what you were doing after a
short break or interruption.


1、Beijing is well known for its hospitable people.
Beijing is well known as China's capital.
能过两个例子,我想楼主应该能感觉到两者的区别了,known for是因主语所拥有的东西而闻名,而known as是由于主语作为……而闻名


1、Beijing is well known for its hospitable people.
Beijing is well known as China's capital.
能过两个例子,我想楼主应该能感觉到两者的区别了,known for是因主语所拥有的东西而闻名,而known as是由于主语作为……而闻名
3、that引导的是主语从句,英语中一般要用名词或名词短语作主语,这句话he would not take our advices整个是主语成份,英语不同于汉语不能用这句话来直接作主语,要用that引导,形成that引导的主语从句才行
4、如果选A,这个句子就成了两句完整的话,每句话有各自的主语与主动词,而英语句式中,两个完整的句子间需要用连接词,如and, because等连接,要么就需加句号,而题中显然中间是逗号,于是不能选A。B答案相当于一个独立主格结构,可以这么用,有点儿类似于Having done his homework, he went to watch TV
补充一句,如果A选项改成His homework having been finished 就对了


be well known for 是因为某人干了某事而众所周知,be well known as 是作为某种身份,特征而出名,

be well known for是因为某些成就或某事物而闻名.
例:LuXun is well known for his articles.
be well known as是作为---而闻名.(一般是职业的名字)
例:LuXun is well known as a writer.

1.be known as
以...知名; 被认为是; 称为
be known for
\J.K.Rowling was well known as a author.
\J.K.Rowling was well konwn for《哈利·波特》.
不管, 尽管, 不论 ...


1.be known as
以...知名; 被认为是; 称为
be known for
\J.K.Rowling was well known as a author.
\J.K.Rowling was well konwn for《哈利·波特》.
不管, 尽管, 不论 ”明显不合句意
3.C."he would not take our advice"从句不少任何成分,引导词不做从句的任何成分故 that
4.B. 此句中间有逗号,且后句成分完整,故 逗号前面内容只能做状语\\\\A是完整的句子,两个完整的句子中间是不能用逗号的(看你对状语结构也不了解,先这样分析也行)


1.I am well known for him.
I am well known as him.

英语小问题,选择题讲理由,高手进~1.be well known+for和be well known+as有什么区别,举个例子2.More people will join your club _ you reduce the price. A.supposed B.as long as C.despite D.for (答案是C,为什么)3._ he would not 一道英语选择题= Who is playing the piano in the next room?( ) is Li's brotherA.This B.That C.It D.He讲下理由、谢。 英语选择题 要讲理由Bob is very surprised ,but he doesn't ______ a word.A.speak B.tell C. talk D.say. 一道英语选择题the noise of thendog makes meAannoy Bannoyed求选一个且讲排除林一个的理由 英语选择题,高手来!I have just done my homeworkI have just done my homework____A.l do it,too B.So have lC.So do lD.So l have应选哪一个选项,说明理由 英语选择题一道,要讲理由You have to fully realize that ------ a long journey ahead of you.A.it is B.there is C.they are D.there are 初二英语选择题,求高手解答 英语选择题!高手进来啊啊啊 求英语高手帮我检查一下选择题 跪求英语高手解决高中选择题 谁能帮我讲一下这个英语选择题 英语选择题,见补充问题 4道高一英语选择题!高手进入!每题给下理由,谢谢1.We all envy Ella very much because she lives____A.such rich and full life B.such rich and full a life C.so rich and full life D.so rich and full a life2.The girl___,like a lovely beaut 英语翻译1.他上大学的愿望就要被实现了.(实现:用come ture这个词)2.英语在全世界被广泛的运用.3.How long did it _____ you to finish the work?A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay 选择题讲出理由来 翻译初三能看懂 英语选择题1小题 几道英语选择题,麻烦理由谢谢 八年级英语选择题并说明理由 八年级上册英语选择题 要理由